dstroot / skeleton

Node Express MongoDB Bootstrap Passport... all rolled up into juicy goodness
MIT License
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Adding a new page to the app #24

Closed cmpsoares91 closed 10 years ago

cmpsoares91 commented 10 years ago

Hey Dan,

I came across something strange:

I'm trying to add a user connection system to the app but keep getting the same 500 error message: Error: Failed to lookup view "/workspace/friends" in views directory "/home/oneprovider/QuantBull/views"

But compared to the other controller/jade files it looks fine. Mind giving it a look, I need some more experienced eyes?

Sorry for the long post but I know the code will look familiar because I based it on your admin.js/accoun.jade combination.

The files are:

The controller - workspace.js:

'use strict';

 * Module Dependencies

//var config        = require('../config/config');
//var _             = require('underscore');
var validator     = require('validator');        // https://www.npmjs.org/package/validator
var nodemailer    = require('nodemailer');
var User          = require('../models/User');
var config        = require('../config/config');
var passportConf  = require('../config/passport');

 * workspace Controller

module.exports.controller = function (app) {

   * GET /*
   * *ALL* workspace routes must be authenticated first

  app.all('/workspace*', passportConf.isAuthenticated);

   * GET /workspace/projects
   * Renders page that shows every project

    '/workspace/projects', function (req, res) {
        '/workspace/projects', {
          url: req.url

   * GET /workspace/reports

    '/workspace/reports', function (req, res) {
        '/workspace/reports', {
          url: req.url

   * GET /workspace/friends

  app.get('/workspace/friends', function (req, res) {
    res.render('/workspace/friends', {
      url: '/workspace' // to set navbar active state
      //token: res.locals.token

   * GET /workspace/projects/:projectId
   * Renders the page showing the project's files, reports and collaborators

    '/workspace/projects/:projectId', function (req, res) {
      //TODO: Finish this whe project page is finished
        '/workspace/reports', {
          url: req.url

   * GET /workspace/fileEditor/:fileId
   * Renders the fileEditor for a predefined file

    '/workspace/fileEditor/:fileId', function (req, res) {
      //TODO: Finish this when fileEditor page is finished
        '/workspace/reports', {
          url: req.url

   * GET /workspace/report/:reportId
   * Renders the individual private and public report web page (Authenticated mode)

    '/workspace/reports/:reportId', function (req, res) {
      //TODO: Finish this whe report page is finished
        '/workspace/reports', {
          url: req.url

   * All Restful JSON API's:

   * GET /workspace/friends/list
   * JSON friend list API

    '/workspace/friends/list', passportConf.isAuthenticated, function (req, res) {
      var userFriends = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < req.user.friends.length; i++) {
        if (req.user.friends[i].verified) {

   * GET /workspace/friends/:userId
   * JSON friend list API

  app.get('/workspace/friends/:userId', passportConf.isAuthenticated, function (req, res) {
    User.findOne({ _id: req.param.userId}, function (err, user) {

   * GET /workspace/friends/sentRequests/
   * JSON friends requests list API

    '/workspace/friends/sentRequests/', passportConf.isAuthenticated, function (req, res) {
      var userFriendRequests = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < req.user.friends.length; i++) {
        if (!req.user.friends[i].verified) {

   * GET /workspace/friends/receivedRequests/
   * JSON friends received requests list API

    '/workspace/friends/receivedRequests/', passportConf.isAuthenticated, function (req, res) {
      //var userReceivedRequests = [];
      User.find({ $and: [{ 'friends.email': req.user.email }, { 'friends.verified': false }] }, function (err, users) {

   * GET /workspace/friends/del/:friend
   * JSON API to delete a friend connection

    '/workspace/friends/del/:friend', passportConf.isAuthenticated, function (req, res) {
      User.find({ $or: [{ _id: req.user._id }, { email: req.params.friend}] }, function (err, users) {
        if (err) {
          res.json(500, { error: 'Couldn\'t find user(s): ' + err });
        for (var i = 0; i < users[0].friends.length; i++) {
          if (req.params.friend == users[0].friends[i].email) {
            // console.log('Found user');
        if (users.length === 2) {
          for (var j = 0; j < users[1].friends.length; j++) {
            if (req.user._id == users[1].friends[j]._id) {
              // console.log('Found user');
              users[1].friends[i].verified = false;
          function (err, user, numAffected) {
            if (err) {
              res.json(500, { error: 'Couldn\'t save friend connection changes: ' + err });
            else {
              res.json({ succes: true });

   * GET /workspace/friends/add/:friend
   * API to add a friend connection and to send the email request.

    '/workspace/friends/add/:friend', passportConf.isAuthenticated, function (req, res) {
      // Define referral Link:
      var refLink = req.protocol + '://' + req.headers.host + '/friends/';

      // Aditional variables:
      var isFriend  = false,
        hasResquest = false,
        sendEmail   = false,
        newFriend, strType;

      //Check if req.params.friend is an email
      if (validator.isNull(req.params.friend) || !validator.isEmail(req.params.friend)) {
        req.flash('Error', { msg: 'Invalid email!' });

      for (var i = 0; i < req.user.friends.length; i++) {
        if (req.params.friend == req.user.friends[i].email) {
          console.log('Request already sent once or is already a friend.');
          isFriend = true;
      if (!isFriend) {
        User.find({ $or: [{ _id: req.user._id }, { email: req.params.friend }]}, function (err, users) {
          if (users.length === 2) {
            //Other user exists
            for (var i = 0; i < users[1].friends.length; i++) {
              if (users[1].friends[i].email == users[0].email) {
                console.log('This user has sent request already, so we confirmed the connection.');

                //the hasRequest variable indicates that it's a request confirmation.
                hasResquest = true;

                //updating users info at friend:
                users[1].friends[i].verified = true;
                users[1].friends[i]._id = users[0]._id;
                users[1].friends[i].name = users[0].name;
                users[1].friends[i].gender = users[0].gender;

                //Updating info in the user itself:
                newFriend = {
                  friendId: users[1]._id,
                  email: req.params.friend,
                  verified: true,
                  name: users[1].profile.name,
                  gender: users[1].profile.gender


                sendEmail = true;
                strType = 'requestConfirmation';

            //As no request exist it's necessary to create one and send email
            if (!hasResquest) {
              newFriend = {
                friendId: users[1]._id,
                email: req.params.friend,
                verified: false,
                name: users[1].profile.name,
                gender: users[1].profile.gender

              sendEmail = true;
              strType = 'friendRequest';
          else {
            //Other user doesn't exist, send invitation
            newFriend = { email: req.params.friend };

            sendEmail = true;
            strType = 'invitation';

          if (sendEmail) {
            // Define variables:
            var fName, phraseString, phrase2String;


            if (validator.isEmail(newFriend.email)) {
              //Send Email:
              // Create a reusable nodemailer transport method (opens a pool of SMTP connections)
              var smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport(
                'SMTP', {
                  service: 'Mandrill',
                  auth: {
                    user: config.mandrill.user,
                    pass: config.mandrill.password

              // General declarations:
              phraseString = users[0].profile.name + ' invited you to join him at ';
              phrase2String = 'To accept this connection';
              fName = newFriend.name;

              // Type specific declarations:
              if (strType === 'requestConfirmation') {
                phraseString = users[0].profile.name + ' accepted your invitation to join your connections at ';
                phrase2String = 'To see your connection';
              /* else if (strType === 'friendRequest') {} */
              else if (strType === 'invitation') {
                fName = newFriend.email;

              // Render HTML to send using .jade mail template (just like rendering a page)
                'mail/invitation', {
                  phrase1: phraseString,
                  phrase2: phrase2String,
                  link: refLink,
                  friendName: fName,
                  name: users[0].profile.name,
                  mailtoName: config.smtp.name,
                  mailtoAddress: config.smtp.address
                }, function (err, html) {
                  if (err) {
                    return (err, null);
                  else {
                    // Now create email text (multiline string as array FTW)
                    var text = [
                      'Hello ' + fName + '!',
                      phraseString + config.smtp.name + '.',
                      phrase2String + 'click here: ' + refLink,
                      'If you have any questions, or suggestions, feel free to email us at ' + config.smtp.address + '.',
                      'Thank you for your time!',
                      '  - The ' + config.smtp.name + ' team'

                    // Create email
                    var mailOptions = {
                      to: fName + ' <' + newFriend.email + '>',
                      from: users[0].profile.name + ' <' + users[0].email + '>',
                      subject: app.locals.application + ' invitation',
                      text: text,
                      html: html

                    // Send email
                      mailOptions, function (err) {
                        if (err) {
                          req.flash('error', { msg: err.message });
                        // shut down the connection pool, no more messages
            else {
              console.error('Email is incorrect...');

          //Save changes to the users:
          users[0].save(function (err, user, numAffected) {
            if (err) {
              req.flash('error', { msg: err.message });
              res.json(500, { error: 'Couldn\'t save friend connection changes: ' + err });
            else {
              // Send user on their merry way
              // console.log(user);
              req.flash('success', { msg: 'The friend request has been sent successfully!' });
              res.json(200, 'Update complete');

          if (users.length === 2) {
            users[1].save(function (err, users, numAffected) {
              if (err) {
                res.json(500, { error: 'Couldn\'t save friend connection changes: ' + err });
              else {
                // Send user on their merry way
                res.json(200, 'Update complete');

//TODO: API's for Projects and Reports.

And the .jade file - friends.jade:

extends ../layouts/layout
//- http://cwbuecheler.com/web/tutorials/2014/restful-web-app-node-express-mongodb/

block head
  title #{application} &middot; Friends
  link(rel='stylesheet', href='/lib/filament-dialog/src/dialog.css')
  link(rel='stylesheet', href='/lib/tablesaw-script/tablesaw.css')


    //- grunticon Stylesheet Loader | https://github.com/filamentgroup/grunticon | (c) 2012 Scott Jehl, Filament Group, Inc. | MIT license.
    window.grunticon = function(e) {
      if (e && 3 === e.length) {
        var t = window,
        n =! (!t.document.createElementNS || !t.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","svg").createSVGRect || !document.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Image","1.1") || window.opera && -1 === navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome")),
        o = function(o) {
          var r = t.document.createElement("link"),
          a = t.document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
          r.rel = "stylesheet",
          r.href = e[o&&n?0:o?1:2],
        r = new t.Image;
        r.onerror = function() {
        r.onload = function() {
          o(1 === r.width && 1 === r.height)
        r.src = ""
    grunticon(["/lib/tablesaw-script/icons/icons.data.svg.css", "/lib/tablesaw-script/icons/icons.data.png.css", "/lib/tablesaw-script/icons/icons.fallback.css"]);

  //- noscript tag hasn't been added to Jade yet...
     link(href='/lib/tablesaw-script/icons/icons.fallback.css', rel='stylesheet')

block content
            | &nbsp;Friend Details
        //- USER INFO
            img(id='userPicture', src='', width='100px')
            strong Name:
            |  <span id='userInfoName'></span>
            strong Email:
            | &nbsp;
            a(href='', id='userInfoEmail')
            strong Location:
            |  <span id='userInfoLocation'></span>
            strong Gender:
            |  <span id='userInfoGender'></span>
            strong Website:
            | &nbsp;
            a(href='', id='userInfoWebsite')
            strong Date Established:
            |  <span id='userInfoEstablished'></span>
            strong Last Logon:
            |  <span id='userInfoLogon'></span>
            strong Last Update:
            |  <span id='userInfoUpdate'></span>
      //- /USER INFO
            | &nbsp;#{application} Friends
        //- Wrapper

          //- USER LIST
            table.tablesaw(data-mode='swipe', data-sortable='data-sortable', data-sortable-switch='data-sortable-switch', data-minimap='data-minimap', data-mode-switch='data-mode-switch')
                  th(data-priority='persist', data-sortable-col='data-sortable-col')
                    abbr(title='Name') Name
                  th(data-priority='1', data-sortable-col='data-sortable-col')
                    abbr(title='Email') Email
                  th(data-priority='4', data-sortable-col='data-sortable-col', data-sortable-default-col='data-sortable-default-col')
                    abbr(title='User Since') User Since
                  th(data-priority='3', data-sortable-col='data-sortable-col')
                    abbr(title='Gender') Gender
                  th(data-priority='2') Remove?
          //- /USER LIST

        //- /WRAPPER

  #myModal.modal.fade(tabindex='-1', role='dialog', aria-labelledby='myModalLabel', aria-hidden='true')
            button.close(type='button', data-dismiss='modal', aria-hidden='true') ×
            h4#myModalLabel.modal-title FriendShip Removal confirmation
            h4 Are you sure?
            button.btn.btn-default(type='button', data-dismiss='modal') No
            button#yes.btn.btn-primary(type='button') Yes!

  //- script(src='lib/moment/min/moment.min.js')
  //- script(src='lib/bootstrap/js/modal.js')
block scripts
    // Userlist data array for filling in info box
    var userListData = [];

    // DOM Ready =============================================================
    $(document).ready(function() {

      // Load Bootstrap Modal

      // Load moment.js
      .done(function(script, textStatus) {
        // Now populate the user table

      // Friend's Username link click
      $('#userList table tbody').on('click', 'td a.linkshowuser', showUserInfo);

      // Delete friend connection link click
      $('#userList table tbody').on('click', 'td a.linkdeleteuser', deleteUser);


    // Functions =============================================================

    // Fill table with data
    function populateTable() {

      // Empty content string
      var tableContent = '';

      // jQuery AJAX call for JSON
      $.getJSON( '/workspace/friends/list', function( data ) {
        // For each item in our JSON, add a table row and cells to the content string
        $.each(data, function(){
          //Loading each user data into global variable.
          $.getJSON( '/workspace/friends/' + this.friendId, function( user ) {

          tableContent += '<tr>';
          tableContent += '<td><a href="#" class="linkshowuser btn btn-info btn-xs"" rel="' + this.friendId + '" title="Show Details">' + this.name + '</td>';
          tableContent += '<td><a href="mailto:' + this.email + '">' + this.email + '</a></td>';
          tableContent += '<td>' + moment(useListData[-1].activity.date_established).format('MMMM Do YYYY') + '</td>';
          tableContent += '<td>' + this.gender + '</td>';
          tableContent += '<td><a href="#" class="linkdeleteuser btn btn-danger btn-xs" rel="' + this.email + '">Danger!</a></td>';


        // Inject the whole content string into our existing HTML table
        $('#userList table tbody').html(tableContent);


    // Show User Info
    function showUserInfo(event) {

      // Prevent Link from Firing

      // Retrieve username from link rel attribute
      var thisUserName = $(this).attr('rel');

      // Get Index of object based on id value
      var arrayPosition = userListData.map(function(arrayItem) { return arrayItem._id; }).indexOf(thisUserName);

      // Get our User Object
      var thisUserObject = userListData[arrayPosition];

      //Populate Info Box  .attr("src", src)
      $('#userPicture').attr("src", (thisUserObject.profile.picture));
      $('#userInfoEmail').attr('href', 'mailto:' + thisUserObject.email).text(thisUserObject.email);
      if (thisUserObject.profile.website) {
        $('#userInfoWebsite').attr('href', thisUserObject.profile.website).text('Website Link');
      $('#userInfoEstablished').text(moment(thisUserObject.activity.date_established).format('MMMM Do YYYY'));

    // Delete User
    function deleteUser(event) {

      // Prevent Link from Firing

      // Pop up a confirmation dialog
      // Convoluted because we have to
      // pass the user's id through
      function showmodal(userid) {
        // show modal
        // if "yes" clicked
        $('#yes').on('click', function () {
          // do our delete
          $.getJSON( '/workspace/friends/del/' + userid, function( response ) {
            if (response.succes) {
            else {
              alert('Error: ' + response.msg);
            // Update the table
          // close the modal

      // call modal function with the user's account id


Many Thanks!


cmpsoares91 commented 10 years ago

BTW: is "validateLineBreaks" in .jscsrc important for this matter because I commented it because I work on both linux and windows when developing.

dstroot commented 10 years ago

This is where you code is failing so it is looking for /home/oneprovider/QuantBull/views/workspace/friends.jade. Does that template exist?


cmpsoares91 commented 10 years ago

Well I've Created a .jade file there with that name, is anything else necessary?

cmpsoares91 commented 10 years ago

It was the /, I had to write res.render('workspace/frriends, function ... instead.

Thank you!

cmpsoares91 commented 9 years ago


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cmpsoares91 commented 9 years ago

Carlos Soares would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond?

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View Carlos Soares's profile: http://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=ej5vs7xBnTpKqjRHpipOpmhKqmRBsyRQs6lzoS4JoyRDtCVFnSRJrScJr6RBfmtKqmJzon9Q9DpMrzRQ9DAObnpVsmMMp39FbmFxe6pTq2QZpjYOtyZBbSRLoOVKqmhBqSVFr2VTtTsLbPFMt7hE&msgID=I8308246908_1&markAsRead=

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cmpsoares91 commented 9 years ago

Carlos Soares would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond?

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