dstroot / skeleton

Node Express MongoDB Bootstrap Passport... all rolled up into juicy goodness
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Skeleton fails to start from default install with NodeJS v 0.12.6 #40

Open dhmspector opened 9 years ago

dhmspector commented 9 years ago

After following the getting started instructions skeleton everything seems to install correctly but I get...

16:39:04] Finished 'default' after 63 ms skeleton Mongodb connected! +0ms skeleton Error: unsupported version of Node or io.js! +6ms skeleton Skeleton needs Node or io.js version 2.2.x +0ms

I am running the most current version of Node, installed via Homebrew (OS X, 10.10.4, with Xcode 6.4 installed):

Zeitgeist:skeleton spector$ node --version v0.12.6

Any suggestions?

FellowTraveler commented 9 years ago

I'm having the exact same problem with v0.12.7:

[20:47:30] [nodemon] starting node app.js { [Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '.env'] errno: -2, code: 'ENOENT', path: '.env', syscall: 'open' } skeleton Mongodb connected! +0ms skeleton Error: unsupported version of Node or io.js! +7ms skeleton Skeleton needs Node or io.js version 2.2.x +1ms [20:47:31] [nodemon] clean exit - waiting for changes before restart

theonetheycallneo commented 8 years ago

Comment out lines

open app.js
comment the require("semver") line at the top 
comment lines486-491

Here's a screenshot: http://d.pr/i/1l6xt

That will skip the node version check and boot server for now.

brantleye commented 8 years ago

Here, semver is checking against the engines attribute in the package.json file. It's set to io.js, not Node, so any version of Node will cause the error. Either remove the semver functionality or add "node": "0.12.x" to engines. I'm not sure if this boilerplate requires parts of io.js that aren't present in Node, though...