dsuryd / dotNetify

Simple, lightweight, yet powerful way to build real-time web apps.
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Add typescript support for 3.5.0 version #222

Closed ThomasMerant closed 4 years ago

ThomasMerant commented 4 years ago


Can you add support for these version ?

I use useConnect and I have just write this :

import dotnetifyVM, { IConnectOptions } from "dotnetify";

declare module "dotnetify-3.5.0" {
    /* Waiting Typescript support :  */
    export function useConnect<T>(iVMId: String, initialState: T, iOptions?: IConnectOptions): { vm: dotnetifyVM, state: T };
dsuryd commented 4 years ago

It'd be great if you or anyone can help with this as I currently don't use Typescript. Here's the location of the typed definition to update: https://github.com/dsuryd/dotNetify/blob/master/DevApp/src/typings/dotnetify.d.ts

ThomasMerant commented 4 years ago

Pull request with only useConnect support : #223

dsuryd commented 4 years ago

Merged. Thank's!