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Presentation visibility changes #115

Closed booski closed 1 year ago

booski commented 2 years ago

Presentation visibility needs to be reworked. Two things need changing:

  1. Presentations need to support more states than a binary visible/invisible setting
  2. Course settings need to stop overriding presentation visibility settings

1. Presentation visibility states

There is a need for "unlisted" presentations, that is presentations that are viewable, but never show up to non-managers of that presentation in play. The only way for a user to view an unlisted presentation should be to have the direct link to the presentation. The use case is making it possible to only expose videos via ilearn for example.

This will require a change to the visibility toggle to become a drop-down. Initially it needs to contain the options "visible", "invisible" and "unlisted". These options should also be explained on the page alongside the setting in some way. We may need to add further options in future, such as deferring to a course.

2. Course overrides

The course-level visibility and downloadability settings are confusing to users and need to change their behaviour. The visibility and downloadability settings on a given presentation should take ultimate precedence. (If we in future add the ability to defer to a course, this might become configurable.) The course-level settings should be treated as defaults for cases where no explicit setting has been given for a presentation, such as lecture room recordings. This should be made clear in help text on the course settings page.