dsxNiubility / SXGithubPaints

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执行命令出现错误 #1

Open HectorLiuk opened 7 years ago

HectorLiuk commented 7 years ago

sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Sep 23 15:15:13 2016

WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.

To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.

while executing

"exec sudo date 091615002015.42" (file "./dsx.sh" line 33)

dsxNiubility commented 7 years ago

我那4个框 都是必填的, 有个是你电脑的锁屏密码,会被这边的expect使用。 你检查下

dsxNiubility commented 7 years ago

sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Sep 23 15:15:13 2016 这个看来像是 你一开始试了一次不对 然后系统时间变得太早了。 你试下先恢复系统时间 然后在执行脚本