dsys / match

:crystal_ball: Scalable reverse image search built on Kubernetes and Elasticsearch
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Getting started documentation #18

Open bartvanremortele opened 7 years ago

bartvanremortele commented 7 years ago

I'm have quite a bit of difficulties trying to get started. First I tried building and running the match docker image with an Elasticsearch connectionstring in the form of https://xxx:xxx@provider:port which does not work. Then I tried to rebuild the docker container using different types of setup based on the Elasticsearch python lib documentation e.g.:

es = Elasticsearch(
    ['localhost', 'otherhost'],
    http_auth=('user', 'secret'),

this also did not work (we are connecting to the instance with node.js just fine).

Then I tried to run it locally using docker-compose but this also failed because the image match container start's before the Elasticsearch image is started and causes it to fail the connection to Elasticsearch.

JannikZed commented 6 years ago

maybe your elasticsearch version is too new? Look here: https://github.com/ascribe/image-match/issues/88 I succesfully updated this project to the newest elastic client and will create a pull request soon. Nevertheless it is still not working for me, as I still get {"status": "fail", "error": ["bad request"], "method": "", "result": []}for /add but I when I managed to get it running for myself, I will create the PR :D