dsys / match

:crystal_ball: Scalable reverse image search built on Kubernetes and Elasticsearch
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Find all similar images in database #27

Open JannikZed opened 6 years ago

JannikZed commented 6 years ago

As far as I understand the system, you could only compare a picture send in via URL or formed data with the ones already in place. How could we compare all pictures with each others in the database to find all that are similar?

dgtlmoon commented 5 years ago

Hey, yes I see the problem here, is that the project is kind of vague how it describes itself, you can only compare images and not search... which would mean N* searches for all images... ouch

dgtlmoon commented 5 years ago

But, back to the original project... https://image-match.readthedocs.io/en/latest/searches.html ?

lostpebble commented 5 years ago

Yes, this something I would really love to have. Right now the only way to search for similar images is to upload one? (be it by the url passed, or an actual image sent with POST)

Is there no way for us to just pass a filepath already in our database and get similar results from that?