dsys / match

:crystal_ball: Scalable reverse image search built on Kubernetes and Elasticsearch
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Trying out match #3

Closed freeatnet closed 8 years ago

freeatnet commented 8 years ago

I'm having trouble trying out match.

I've started an ES instance:

docker run -d --name image-match-es elasticsearch

and a match instance:

docker run -e ELASTICSEARCH_URL=image-match-es --name image-match-server --link image-match-es -P pavlov/match

When issuing a GET /ping, I get a 200 OK response; however, when trying to do anything else (GET /list, POST /add), I get a 500 with the following JSON response:

{"status": "fail", "result": [], "method": "", "error": ["TransportError(404, u'index_not_found_exception', u'no such index')"]}

I guess there's an ES index creation step I'm missing, but I can't find it after looking through the docs or the code. Could you advise on what needs to be done?

jalliance commented 8 years ago


freeatnet commented 8 years ago

The solution appears to be to create an images index manually, as documented in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-create-index.html

It'd be cool if this was in the documentation!