dsys / match

:crystal_ball: Scalable reverse image search built on Kubernetes and Elasticsearch
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Clean up docker-compose.yml syntax #9

Closed dgtlmoon closed 6 years ago

dgtlmoon commented 7 years ago

I found by simply setting the variables in the docker-compose.yml the whole stack was a lot easier to grock and a lot more reliable.

Small note added about match dropping out if its started before elasticsearch is ready to accept connections

dgtlmoon commented 7 years ago

Also its good to set a clean namespace container name like "match-elasticsearch" incase another container on the system wants the same name "elasticsearch" (which is in the pull request)

vrde commented 7 years ago

Hi @dgtlmoon! I did the previous PR to introduce the docker-compose configuration. I'm using links command to connect one container to the other, so you don't need to specify/hard code the hostname by hand and define a common network name.

Is there any specific problem you are trying to solve here?

kern commented 6 years ago

Closing due to inactivity, let me know if this is still an issue.