dt-rush / sameriver

game engine written in go
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opengl #62

Open dt-rush opened 1 year ago

dt-rush commented 1 year ago

of course the go-sdl2 repo has an example showing go-gl usage.

this repo has some great helper functions wrapping common opengl actions with go-gl (for example, here, compiling a shader): https://github.com/dkvilo/andromeda/blob/develop/framework/shader/compile.go

dt-rush commented 1 year ago

good tutorial site: https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Instancing#:~:text=Instanced%20arrays%20are%20defined%20as,belong%20to%20the%20current%20vertex.

instanced models architecture: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1tncH1WAicmSG-lJmdTmf_prayMIInq0DyqZwABPSqfM/edit?usp=sharing

buffer object streaming: https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Buffer_Object_Streaming

go-gl 4.3: https://github.com/chsc/gogl/blob/master/gl43/gl43.go

excellent youtube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7D8lLbp9_rQ

skeletal animation tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-kcaonjHf8

dt-rush commented 1 year ago

frustrum culling: https://learnopengl.com/Guest-Articles/2021/Scene/Frustum-Culling

dt-rush commented 1 year ago

compute shader frustrum culling: https://vkguide.dev/docs/gpudriven/compute_culling/

This is for vulkan, but possibly the same thing exists for opengl?

this article describes - in very strange language - GPU culling:


the source code for their (several) method(s) including GPU culling is here:

https://wizards-laboratory.com/files/ -> file: FrustrumCulling.rar

dt-rush commented 1 year ago

3 ways of vertex attribute packing:


dt-rush commented 1 year ago

GPU collision detection: https://fileadmin.cs.lth.se/graphics/theses/projects/gpucd/report.pdf

dt-rush commented 1 year ago

selective instancing:


dt-rush commented 1 year ago

some discussion of multidrawindirect being faster than instancing:


dt-rush commented 1 year ago

gamedev sketchbook example i've cooked up:



dt-rush commented 1 year ago

performance improvement for opengl:


  1. get a pointer from MapBufferRange and write to it like a ring buffer.
// At the beginning of time
BufferStorage(ARRAY_BUFFER, allParticleSize, NULL, flags);
mParticleDst = MapBufferRange(ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, allParticleSize, flags);
mOffset = 0;

// allParticleSize should be ~3x one frame's worth of particles
// to avoid stalling.

void UpdateParticleData() {
    for particle in allParticles {
        dataSize = GetParticleSize(particle);

        mParticleDst[mOffset] = *particle
        mOffset += dataSize; 
        // ring buffer wrapping not shown

// Now render with everything.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLckFgM6dUP2hc4iy-IdKFtqR9TeZWMPjm&v=-bCeNzgiJ8I 2023-02-28_02-18-48

dt-rush commented 1 year ago

"why is it 3x?" explanation: https://youtube.com/watch?v=-bCeNzgiJ8I&feature=shares&t=714

"Now, even though that should be enough to guarantee that there's enough room, you do need to fence, basically, to make sure. So, in OpenGL, i just wanted to briefly cover this, I don't know how many people are familiar with it, they use GL fencing: you place a fence, and then you remember that fencing object that you just placed, then later when you're ready to start writing on this range again, you say ok, i need to do a client waitsync right here, now, a client waitsync will cause all the way up to a CPU GPU sync point if the GPU has to finish work in order for that fence to be retired, so you want to wrap that function with a performance counter; what should happen basically all the time is that the client waitsync should immediately return already-returned, and it should take basically zero time at all; if it doesn't*, you have a sizing problem, and your logs should tell you that.

dt-rush commented 1 year ago

Another performance improvement:

bindless texture arrays


Basically, passsing integers that represent textures so that switching textures is just switching the integer, and the texture data itself is already loaded up, you just get the texture using the integer. ("handle")

some discussion here: https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/142939

dt-rush commented 1 year ago

not a performance thing but a cool expressive technique:


Switching between uniform buffer bindings is typically faster than switching dozens of uniforms in a program. Therefore, uniform buffers can be used to quickly change between different sets of uniform data for different objects that share the same program.

dt-rush commented 1 year ago


multidrawindirect lets you issue a bunch of different draw calls - including instanced calls - using structs that specify the commands, allowing you to draw even objects with different geometries

(of course, the same program)

typedef struct { unsigned int count; unsigned int instanceCount; unsigned int firstIndex; unsigned int baseInstance; } DrawArraysIndirectCommand;

typedef struct { unsigned int count; unsigned int instanceCount; unsigned int firstIndex; unsigned int baseVertex; unsigned int baseInstance; } DrawElementsIndirectCommand;

dt-rush commented 1 year ago



(also see advanced lighting section for bloom, caster types, etc.)

dt-rush commented 1 year ago

obj loader:


dt-rush commented 1 year ago

painterly shader


dt-rush commented 1 year ago

crazy animation gems:
