dt / ghlink

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Can make it work for GitLab as well? #13

Open alystair opened 4 years ago

alystair commented 4 years ago

GitLab has very similar structure to GitHub, could you make this work for GitLab remotes as well?

dt commented 4 years ago

Great idea! I don't have a gitlab account though, but I think this should be easy enough if you were interested in taking a crack at it -- I think you'd just need to update https://github.com/dt/ghlink/blob/master/src/extension.ts#L85 to add a case for gitlab URIs?

alystair commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply! I am a total novice when it comes to creating extensions. Can I edit my locally installed copy and 'reload window' to test my changes?

alystair commented 4 years ago

The solution I came up with now works with any domain - is it possible to rename the extension to be more general? 'Link Git Issues' works well :)

I worked directly with the compiled, so I'll be doing a blind PR for the TS and it will be your responsibility to ensure it works.

alystair commented 4 years ago

Ok so my solution was somewhat overkill and I'm not happy with the new regex I made - probably won't submit a PR for now due to other obligations ... sorry!

alystair commented 4 years ago

Ok, I lied... it's working pretty well now but I ended up refactoring the majority of the extension, leading to a 'ship of theseus' type of situation.

If you decide to translate it back to TS and use it, please add me as a maintainer and consider changing project name to 'GitLink' or something more generic so we can implement other issue link types. Please let me know either way - as there are 2 other extensions that might implement it if you're not interested.


I made some variables that should be hooked into for the settings page, never got around to it.

almeidaxan commented 3 years ago

I'm also interested in using this extension's functionality with GitLab.

@alystair Any chances you could release your more generic version of this extension as something independent from the ghlink?

It seems like this repo stopped being maintained a while ago.

alystair commented 3 years ago

Afraid not, I don't have much spare time and gave up on finalizing my own version. I'd hope something like this would eventually make it into the official GitLab extension... but considering it took ~3 years to add a "what's new" link to their site navbar... I don't have high hopes.