dtan4 / terraforming

Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate) / No longer actively maintained
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using against a AWS compatible enviroment #408

Open fredhohenstein opened 6 years ago

fredhohenstein commented 6 years ago

Hello! Is it possible to use this against a AWS compatible environment (not aws.amazon.com). We have deployed onsite a stratoscale/symphony cluster (https://www.stratoscale.com). This is a environment that gives us an onsite AWS region, compatible with AWScli, AWS API and the AWS components of terraform.

For ecample when using terraform script - that we earlier created voor AWS - against the stratoscale enviroment the only thing we have to change it the connection part of the AWS provider. Example: provider "aws" { region = "eu-west-1"

endpoints {
    ec2 = "https://ip-address/api/v2/ec2"
elb = "https://ip-address/api/v2/aws/elb"
s3 =  "https://ip-address:1060"
    rds = "https://ip-address/api/v2/aws/rds"

insecure = "true"
skip_metadata_api_check = true
skip_credentials_validation = true

region = "eu-west-1"  


access_key = AWS compatible access key, defined inside the stratoscale environment secret_key =AWS compatible secret key, defined inside the stratoscale environment ip-address = is the management ip-adress of the stratoscale environment

Do you think it is possible to run your dockerized applications againt a different endpont then the standard real AWS endpoint.

Hope to hear fro you soon!

Grt Fred