Closed WindingWinter closed 6 years ago
I think I manage to get it to run with Microsoft MPI on my home PC Windows 10.
I am glad you worked it out. MPI could be viewed as overkill for a PC, but maintaining a separate code base for shared memory (openMP) versus distributed memory (MPI) is a lot of work. MPI does work on a PC and the version used to compile the current version of TauDEM is linked on the website at There do appear to be newer versions available, and I would try one of these first. TauDEM does not to my knowledge do anything with MPI that would limit it working with new versions.
MPI dependencies are designed for clusters and supercomputers ( and see here), but what if I only have access to a personal home Windows 10 laptop? Isn't MPI an overkill? And most importantly, does it even work?
Is it possible to use OpenMP dependencies instead?