dtcc-platform / dtcc-model

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Make RoadNetwork fit into new data model #37

Open anderslogg opened 2 months ago

anderslogg commented 2 months ago

I guess it should be moved into the Object directory.

snjsomnath commented 2 months ago

Use case A - Road network for analysis and routing.

Road networks need to be converted into Graphs for analysis. The most common package used to do this is NetworkX, but more recently, more efficient packages have emerged like iGraph. The current RoadNetwork object looks pretty complete to be able to do this but I have some enhancements below:


road_geometry : shapely.geometry.LineString
road_vertices : List[int]

Nice to have:

General comments

A popular library that leverages NetworkX is OSMnx. It interacts with GeoPandas GeoDataframes and NetworkX Graphs and has some convenient functions that allow users to perform network analysis. I think compatibility with the OSMnx package will make it so much easier for users to work with the street network.

Use case B : Visualisation in the Unreal Engine workflow.

In the unreal engine workflow we need to convert a RoadNetwork to a raster mask to return a Raster object. Something like a .to_raster_mask(). Steps below:

Potential future use-cases/compatibility

Autonomous vehicle simulations - OpenDRIVE standard