MET does not interpret the timing info from GRIB2 GEPS data files correctly. Specifically, we get the init time right but don't recognize it as an accumulation interval like wgrib does. For example, for a 6-12 hour accumulation, MET see's it an instantaneous 6-hour forecast.
MET does not interpret the timing info from GRIB2 GEPS data files correctly. Specifically, we get the init time right but don't recognize it as an accumulation interval like wgrib does. For example, for a 6-12 hour accumulation, MET see's it an instantaneous 6-hour forecast.
This was raised by Bob Craig at the Air Force via met-help:
The AF can't recompile MET until the Fortify issues have been solved, post met-7.1. So this issue must be fixed by then.
I have attached to this ticket a GRIB2 file with 1 record in it to demonstrate the problem:
setenv MET_GRIB_TABLES grib2_geps.txt
/usr/local/met-7.0/bin/plot_data_plane rec252.grib2 'name="QP010"; level="Z0";' -v 4
DEBUG 4: valid time: 20180401_060000
DEBUG 4: lead time: 060000
DEBUG 4: init time: 20180401_000000
The lead time should be 12 and the valid time 20180401_120000 to match the output of wgrib2:
wgrib2 -V rec252.grib2
1:0:vt=2018040112:surface:6-12 hour acc fcst:var discipline=0 master_table=10 parmcat=19 parm=176:ENS=hi-res ctl
[MET-1003] created by johnhg