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Embed location calculations for GOES-16 in regrid_data_plane instead of -coord file #1071

Closed dwfncar closed 5 years ago

dwfncar commented 6 years ago

regrid_data_plane uses a location file to specify the location of each satellite pixel lat/lon. Instead of a static file, calculations can be done to do this on the fly for all GOES-16 scenes (FULL DISK, CONUS, MESO).

Gary Cunning created a program called GoesRnetCDF2Mdv in CVS here:

He uses the output grid (x,y) and (lat,lon) to then locate the closest satellite pixel to that location.

More information about translating between GOES-16 X,Y points and latitude/longitude can be found in the GOES-R user guide here, section 4.2.8, pp. 20-26:
https://www.goes-r.gov/products/docs/PUG-L2+-vol5.pdf [MET-1071] created by dadriaan

dwfncar commented 5 years ago

The computed lat/lon does not match exactly with the binary coordinate file:

The the re-gridded output (unittest, with UW_MEAN) is little different:
< 0.02619964, 0.1537972, 0.1033263, 0.1029876, 0.1015379, 0.09170642,

0.02619964, 0.1537972, 0.1033263, 0.1029876, 0.1016333, 0.09157186,

< 0.1033003, 0.09308531, 0.09176499, 0.1244818, 0.1293496, 0.1393505,

0.1033003, 0.09312876, 0.09176499, 0.1244818, 0.1293496, 0.1393505,

< 0.1184437, 0.1228647, 0.1089977, 0.1016392, 0.07854559, 0.09684231,

0.1184437, 0.1228647, 0.1089977, 0.1015561, 0.07854559, 0.09684231,

< 0.02801347, 0.02436966, 0.157949, 0.1315053, 0.04398153, 0.06156794,

0.02801347, 0.02436966, 0.157949, 0.1322123, 0.04398153, 0.06156794,

< 0.04391601, 0.02744185, 0.02228308, 0.1701919, 0.06108617, 0.0150229,

0.04391601, 0.02744185, 0.02228308, 0.1701919, 0.06075775, 0.0150229,

< 0.223386, 0.5038977, 0.1198098, 0.1035671, 0.355451, 0.4045747,

0.223386, 0.5077441, 0.1198098, 0.1035671, 0.355451, 0.4045747,

< 0.2977682, 0.1378535, 0.07409374, 0.2349508, , , , , , , , , _,

0.2941482, 0.1378535, 0.07409374, 0.2349508, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,

by hsoh

dwfncar commented 5 years ago

Howard, John, and I met with Daniel Adriaansen 01/17 and learned the following:

Based on this, we came up with the following strategy:

Daniel will collect examples of each scene/satellite (8 files total) from today off of the SATOPS3 and put these onto /scratch/weekly so that Howard can test.

As far as the differences between the computed translated coordinates and those provided by the binary file:

Howard has analyzed the x,y coordinates of the discrepant coordinate translations and noticed that they all seem to be related to every 5th data point. So possibly, there is something going on with modulo 5, or some difference in the trigonometry implementations between Fortran and C that happens to overflow and reset every 5th point.

Until the government reopens up and we can talk to someone at NOAA, it's probably difficult or impossible to fully resolve this. One full proof way might be to get their code and compare it to ours (could be machine-dependent, compiler-dependent, or something else).

One other thing Daniel suggested as a simple qualitative validation would be to take the files he sends us, run them through MET and then use plot_data_plane and then compare to a web site like College of DuPage which keeps a 50-h running archive. This would give us a visual way to see if these differences are very important.

Overall, we decided that these differences are minor enough that we can proceed with adding this capability into the MET release, and we will keep these notes in case it becomes necessary to dig into this further. If a bug is found, could always do a bug fix later.


by jvigh

dwfncar commented 5 years ago

The -coord option is removed and the environment variable MET_GEOSTATIONARY_DATA is introduced to specify the coordinate data file.

The coordinate data file name consists with __.nc:
   - scene_id: Full, CONUS or Mesoscale
   - dx, dy: converted to integer after multiplied by 1000000
   - x_bound, y_bound: converted to integer from x_image_bounds[0] and y_image_bounds[0] after multiplied by 1000000.

grid-mapping file name consists with __to.grid_map
  by hsoh

dwfncar commented 5 years ago

The coordinate NetCDF and grid mapping files are generated at MET_TMP_DIR (ot /tmp if MET_TMP_DIR is not defined)

Added two unit tests:
one for grid mapping file
the other for GOES-17 CONUS data which is 5000 by 3000. by hsoh