dtcenter / MET

Model Evaluation Tools
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Enhance MET to handle the NESDIS ADP product (regrid_data_plane?) #1109

Open dwfncar opened 5 years ago

dwfncar commented 5 years ago

This request came in via MET-Help...

MET+ had developed a re-grid tool to map GOES-16 pixel AOD obs to any grid
specified by user, called regrid_data_plane. We have tested it on NGAC
output and it successfully generated corresponding NGAC AOD gridded
output. This would satisfy basic needs for total AOD verification.

For transition HYSPLIT smoke verification to METplus, we need information
from another NESDIS product, aerosol derived product, ADP file. The ADP
file includes aerosol, smoke and dust masks of each observed pixel for user
to separating total AOD to smoke AOD, dust AOD and others AOD. Each masks
come with quality flag to help users to manage the quality of data of
observation. Attached is the GOES-16 ADP read instruction from NESDIS
aerosol team for your reference.

NCEP/EMC AQ group asks METplus group to add additional function to tool
"regrid_data_plane" to read in ADP and AOD data together so we can filter
out unwanted data (pixel by pixel). I will supply sample ADP file (netCDF4
just like AOD file) and work with your staff to improve the functionality
of " regrid_data_plane".

Thank you for your attention.


p.s. I have run it through Jason Levit before this submission. [MET-1109] created by johnhg

lisagoodrich commented 5 years ago

Original JIRA attachment location: https://sdg.rap.ucar.edu/jira/browse/MET-1109?filter=12903
