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Add new `-ugrid_config` command line option for unstructured grid inputs to Grid-Stat and Point-Stat #2842

Closed hsoh-u closed 2 months ago

hsoh-u commented 3 months ago

Describe the Problem

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There was a bug with -config option. There are warnings the given configuration file does not exist which is not correct.

export BEG_DS=-1800
export END_DS=1800
export CLIMO_FILE='"/d1/projects/MET/MET_test_data/unit_test/model_data/grib1/gfs/gfs_2012040900_F012_gNam.grib"'

cp -p /d1/projects/MET/MET_regression/develop/NB20240319/MET-develop/internal/test_unit/config/PointStatConfig_ugrid_mpas_out .

/d1/projects/MET/MET_regression/develop/NB20240320/MET-develop/bin//point_stat /d1/personal/hsoh/data/MET-2231/mpasout.2012-04-09_12.00.00.nc /d1/projects/MET/MET_regression/develop/NB20240319/MET-develop/test_output/pb2nc/gdas1.20120409.t12z.prepbufr.nc PointStatConfig_ugrid_mpas_out -config PointStatConfig_ugrid_mpas_out -outdir out_point_grid -v 4

Note: The same configuration file /d1/projects/MET/MET_regression/develop/NB20240319/MET-develop/internal/test_unit/config/PointStatConfig_ugrid_mpas_out is used at -config option.

Log messages:

DEBUG 1: Default Config File: /d1/projects/MET/MET_regression/develop/NB20240320/MET-develop/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
DEBUG 1: User Config File: PointStatConfig_ugrid_mpas_out
WARNING: PointStatConfInfo::read_configs(StringArray) -> The configuration file "PointStatConfig_ugrid_mpas_out" does not exist.

Expected Behavior

Provide a clear and concise description of what you expected to happen here.

The same configuration file with -config should be read again.


Describe your runtime environment: 1. Machine: (Linux Workstation, seneca) 2. OS: (RedHat Linux) 3. Software version number(s): MET v12.0 beta4

To Reproduce

Describe the steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. Scroll down to '....' 4. See error Post relevant sample data following these instructions: https://dtcenter.org/community-code/model-evaluation-tools-met/met-help-desk#ftp

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Bugfix Checklist

See the METplus Workflow for details.

JohnHalleyGotway commented 3 months ago

@hsoh-u this is not a bug. Point-Stat has never supported a -config option. In the usage statement, the configuration file is given as the 3rd positional argument. So adding support for a new -config option would be an enhancement.

I do see what you're trying to do here, providing a way to specify the configuration file which describes the UGRID input data. I can think of one existing example of where a MET tool supports 2 different types of config files, and that is in the MODE tool. In the MODE Usage statement, the -config_merge option specifies the config options to be applied when doing the "engine merging" step. Following this example, you could consider adding a config option named something like -config_ugrid to be a bit more explicit about what config options are being provided here.

hsoh-u commented 3 months ago

Changed the type to new feature and updated the title and description. -config option was added initially for UGrid configurations. I thought it can be removed, but METplus will use this option.