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Model Evaluation Tools
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Bugfix 2867 point2grid qc flag main v11.1 #2874

Closed hsoh-u closed 2 months ago

hsoh-u commented 2 months ago

Expected Differences

The meaning of ADP QC values were changed (it was 3 for high, 2 for medium, and 1 for low). The baseline algorithm and the enterprise algorithm produce different QC values for high, medium, and low. MET reads QC values and meanings from the variable attribute and apply them to -qc options (where 0 is high, 1 is medium, and 2 is low).

The -qc options at the unittests were changed to -qc 0,1,2.

Pull Request Testing

New GOES16 data with Enterprise algorithm:

/d1/personal/hsoh/git/pull_request/MET_bugfix_2867_point2grid_qc_flag_main_v11.1/bin/point2grid  /d1/projects/MET/MET_test_data/unit_test/model_data/goes_16/OR_ABI-L2-AODC-M6_G16_s20241100001171_e20241100003544_c20241100006242.nc G212 goes_aod_smoke_adp_high2.nc -adp /d1/projects/MET/MET_test_data/unit_test/model_data/goes_16/OR_ABI-L2-ADPC-M6_G16_s20241100001171_e20241100003544_c20241100006361.nc -field 'name="AOD_Smoke"; level="*";' -v 4 -qc 0,1


DEBUG 4: set_adp_gc_values()  high_confidence = 0, medium_confidence = 1, low_confidence = 2

DEBUG 4: regrid_goes_variable() -> Count: actual: 6, missing: 2758918, non_missing: 652344
DEBUG 4:    Filtered: by QC: 0, by adp QC: 62127, by absent: 590193, total: 652320
DEBUG 4:    Range:  data: [-0.05 - 4.99997]  QC: [0 - 2]
DEBUG 4:    AOD QC: high=8092 medium=6910, low=47149, no_retrieval=0
DEBUG 4:    ADP QC: high=4 medium=87, low=62050, no_retrieval=10, adjusted=47142

Note: if only high quality is given with-qc 0, all data will be filtered out.

Meaning of the debug message DEBUG 4: ADP QC: high=4 medium=87, low=62050, no_retrieval=10, adjusted=47142

Old GOES16 data with Baseline algorithm:

/d1/personal/hsoh/git/pull_request/MET_bugfix_2867_point2grid_qc_flag_main_v11.1/bin/point2grid  /d1/projects/MET/MET_test_data/unit_test/model_data/goes_16/OR_ABI-L2-AODC-M6_G16_s20192662141196_e20192662143569_c20192662145547.nc G212 goes_aod_smoke_adp_high2.nc -adp /d1/projects/MET/MET_test_data/unit_test/model_data/goes_16/OR_ABI-L2-ADPC-M6_G16_s20192662141196_e20192662143569_c20192662144526.nc -field 'name="AOD_Smoke"; level="*";' -v 4 -qc 0,1


DEBUG 4: set_adp_gc_values()  high_confidence = 3, medium_confidence = 1, low_confidence = 0

DEBUG 4: regrid_goes_variable() -> Count: actual: 121, missing: 1937596, non_missing: 1473666
DEBUG 4:    Filtered: by QC: 0, by adp QC: 86130, by absent: 1387116, total: 1473246
DEBUG 4:    Range:  data: [-0.05 - 4.99997]  QC: [0 - 2]
DEBUG 4:    AOD QC: high=222 medium=1938, low=84390, no_retrieval=0
DEBUG 4:    ADP QC: high=634 medium=9, low=85907, no_retrieval=0, adjusted=84770

More AOD files with Enterprise algorithm are at seneca:/d1/personal/hsoh/data/MET-2853/20240419

New output for Enterprise algorithm: point2grid/point2grid_GOES_16_ADP_Enterprise_high.nc

Three existing output will be different because -qc 1,2,3 was changed to -qc 0,1,2:

The meaning of QC values were changed. So the output will be different if -qc option is given.

Pull Request Checklist

See the METplus Workflow for details.

jprestop commented 2 months ago

@hsoh-u I see that you pointed me to the Enterprise AOD files, but I am wondering if I should also be testing the Baseline files? If so, could you please point me to those as well?

jprestop commented 2 months ago

@hsoh-u Actually, I think I may have found them from the section where you listed what testing you did.


Apologies for not catching that before I sent the last message.

jprestop commented 2 months ago

@hsoh-u Can you please confirm that the failed check for differences is expected?

hsoh-u commented 2 months ago

@hsoh-u Can you please confirm that the failed check for differences is expected?

One output is added and three files are expected to be different because the logic to identify high, medium, and low confidences is changed.

hsoh-u commented 2 months ago

@hsoh-u Actually, I think I may have found them from the section where you listed what testing you did.


Apologies for not catching that before I sent the last message.

More data at seneca:/d1/personal/hsoh/data/MET-2853/20240419

jprestop commented 2 months ago

Thanks @hsoh-u Can you please confirm that the failed Check for Differences is expected?

hsoh-u commented 2 months ago

Thanks @hsoh-u Can you please confirm that the failed Check for Differences is expected?

Yes, three output files from GOES-16 inputs are different because of different logic for high, medium, and low confidences.