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Refactor the ECNT reformatter to accomodate the METcalcpy input data format requirements #267

Closed bikegeek closed 9 months ago

bikegeek commented 9 months ago

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Describe the Problem

the METreformat module currently reformats the ECNT linetype by collecting all the statistics in table 13.2 into stat_name, stat_value, stat_ncl, stat_ncu, stat_bcl, and stat_bcu columns. This is only applicable when input MET stat output from the ensemble-stat tool has had aggregation statistics calculated by the MET stat-analysis tool.

METcalcpy agg_stat.py requires the following input format: plot_20240130_144707.data.agg_stat.txt

Expected Behavior

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To Reproduce

Describe the steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. Scroll down to '....' 4. See error Post relevant sample data following these instructions: https://dtcenter.org/community-code/model-evaluation-tools-met/met-help-desk#ftp

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