dtcenter / METplus

Python scripting infrastructure for MET tools.
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Update Truth: For dtcenter/MET#2840 #2526

Closed JohnHalleyGotway closed 3 months ago

JohnHalleyGotway commented 4 months ago

Describe Expected Changes

PR dtcenter/MET#2840 for issue dtcenter/MET#2833 fixes off-by-one bugs in defining both dimensions of range/azimuth grids. These changes will modify nearly all of the output generated by the TC-RMW and TC-Diag tools. This issue is to inspect the differences caused by this change to the MET develop branch and confirm that they're limited to what's expected.

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Assign this issue to the author of the pull request that warranted this issue. Optionally assign anyone else who should review the differences in the output.

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Update Truth Checklist

JohnHalleyGotway commented 4 months ago

I reviewed the output from this GHA testing workflow run.

The differences are limited to the output from the TC-Diag and TC-RMW tools, which is expected based on this bugfix. @jprestop the develop-ref branch can safely be updated.

Here are the details... differences are flagged in 3 different use case groups:

  1. diff_use_cases_met_tool_wrapper_0-29_59-63

    • Differences in 3 TC-Diag output files TCDiag/tc_diag/2023/sal032023_gfso_doper_2023062012*
  2. diff_use_cases_met_tool_wrapper_30-58

    • Differences in 1 TCRMW output file: TCRMW/met_tool_wrapper/TCRMW/tc_rmw_aal142016.nc
    • Here's a screen shot of the PRMSL difference field which follows a consistent pattern: Screen Shot 2024-03-27 at 9 49 43 AM
  3. diff-use_cases_tc_and_extra_tc_0-2

    • Differences in 1 TCRMW output file: tc_and_extra_tc/TCRMW_fcstGFS_fcstOnly_gonzalo/model_applications/tc_and_extra_tc/TCRMW_gonzalo/tc_rmw_gonzal09l.2014101312.nc