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Create new use case for DAI APIK project (weather domain - evaluate extreme precip forecasts) #261

Open jvigh opened 5 years ago

jvigh commented 5 years ago

This use case will evaluate the skill of BMKG's forecasts of extreme rainfall for the 1-3 day time frame.

This use case is being developed for the DAI APIK project (Indonesia).

The goal of this use case is to assess whether BMKG's 1-3 da forecasts for extreme rainfall are useful.

Initially, this use case will be set up to use GFS forecast data (eventually, it will use BMKG's downscaled WRF forecast data). The evaluation period will either be 3 months of data during Indonesia's rainy season, or 4 months of the should season.

For observations, we will start by using using the GFS analysis OR a real-time gridded satellite observational analysis (e.g., CHIRPS - Funk et al.). If we use CHRIPS, we could simulate station data by extracting CHIRPS data to demonstrate the point obs vx. Eventually, we may use BMKG's gauge data analysis (daily rainfall).

Output goals:

jvigh commented 4 years ago

The initial use case was finished, then @georgemccabe opened #384 to fully wrap the series analysis into the use case as well. That work has also finished. Closing this issue.

jvigh commented 4 years ago

I incorrectly closed this issue. #259 is the issue that points to George's #384. I don't believe the work outlined in this issue was ever done. I am not sure that there is any need to, however, since the APIK project is closed.

georgemccabe commented 3 years ago

@jvigh can you close this issue if this work will not be done?