dtcenter / METplus

Python scripting infrastructure for MET tools.
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New Use Case: construct use case verifying GFS cloud forecasts vs. ASOS ceiolometer #2745

Open DanielAdriaansen opened 1 month ago

DanielAdriaansen commented 1 month ago

Describe the New Use Case

This use case will demonstrate verifying forecasts of cloud information on the GFS global 0.25 degree grid, using ASOS ceilometer cloud base height (ceiling) observations over CONUS using PointStat.

The fields to verify will be cloud fields we identify in GFS output such as:

We will need to search for and identify the proper field names and levels in the GFS files.

The measures of skill that should be included are:

The end goal is for the user to be able to substitute the GFS forecasts with a separate GFS-based AI/ML cloud forecast product on the same GFS 0.25 degree grid, to compare with the ASOS observations. This framework is to support them to be able to do this. We may get some sample data of their truth, however due to restrictions on releasing the data we may need to leave the GFS forecast data in place.

The user would also like to be able to stratify forecast performance based on categories of cloud types. These cloud types will be provided later on, but we should brainstorm another type of stratification we can perform using an external classification (maybe weather regimes? precipitation type?), or, implement some simple post-processing, for example stratify performance by all clouds e.g. >= 8 km ("high clouds").

Checklist to get working:

Use Case Name and Category


Input Data

FCST: GFS 0.25 degree forecasts and analyses. OBS: ASOS Ceilometer

Acceptance Testing

Describe tests required for new functionality. As use case develops, provide a run time here

Time Estimate

Estimate the amount of work required here. Issues should represent approximately 1 to 3 days of work.


Consider breaking the new feature down into sub-issues.

Relevant Deadlines

Must be completed by 12/31/2024

Funding Source


Define the Metadata



Milestone and Projects

Define Related Issue(s)

Consider the impact to the other METplus components.

New Use Case Checklist

See the METplus Workflow for details.

DanielAdriaansen commented 3 weeks ago

GFS data are here: /d1/projects/METplus/METplus_Data/development/nrl/cloud/GFS_0.25

Using this command:

wgrib2 -v gfs.0p25.2024030700.f012.grib2 | grep cloud

I see relevant variables:

630:450488137:d=2024030700:LCDC Low Cloud Cover [%]:low cloud layer:12 hour fcst:
631:451333325:d=2024030700:LCDC Low Cloud Cover [%]:low cloud layer:6-12 hour ave fcst:
632:452258290:d=2024030700:MCDC Medium Cloud Cover [%]:middle cloud layer:12 hour fcst:
633:452866413:d=2024030700:MCDC Medium Cloud Cover [%]:middle cloud layer:6-12 hour ave fcst:
634:453577593:d=2024030700:HCDC High Cloud Cover [%]:high cloud layer:12 hour fcst:
635:454309341:d=2024030700:HCDC High Cloud Cover [%]:high cloud layer:6-12 hour ave fcst:
638:457005258:d=2024030700:HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:cloud ceiling:12 hour fcst:
639:458203404:d=2024030700:PRES Pressure [Pa]:convective cloud bottom level:12 hour fcst:
640:458750807:d=2024030700:PRES Pressure [Pa]:low cloud bottom level:6-12 hour ave fcst:
641:460188975:d=2024030700:PRES Pressure [Pa]:middle cloud bottom level:6-12 hour ave fcst:
642:461414641:d=2024030700:PRES Pressure [Pa]:high cloud bottom level:6-12 hour ave fcst:
643:462935144:d=2024030700:PRES Pressure [Pa]:convective cloud top level:12 hour fcst:
644:463536141:d=2024030700:PRES Pressure [Pa]:low cloud top level:6-12 hour ave fcst:
645:464992169:d=2024030700:PRES Pressure [Pa]:middle cloud top level:6-12 hour ave fcst:
646:466180239:d=2024030700:PRES Pressure [Pa]:high cloud top level:6-12 hour ave fcst:
647:467707298:d=2024030700:TMP Temperature [K]:low cloud top level:6-12 hour ave fcst:
648:468725963:d=2024030700:TMP Temperature [K]:middle cloud top level:6-12 hour ave fcst:
649:469628288:d=2024030700:TMP Temperature [K]:high cloud top level:6-12 hour ave fcst:
650:470836489:d=2024030700:TCDC Total Cloud Cover [%]:convective cloud layer:12 hour fcst:
651:471552157:d=2024030700:TCDC Total Cloud Cover [%]:boundary layer cloud layer:6-12 hour ave fcst:

In addition, there is an isobaric "total cloud cover" variables (TCDC) at various pressure levels in the file.

ASOS data are here:


ASOS data should be provided via Python embedding, unless somehow that NetCDF file is supported by MET but I doubt it. Note that dtcenter/MET#187 mentions supporting these directly in MET as a nice source of point obs, but for this use case we'll probably just use Python embedding.

j-opatz commented 2 weeks ago

@hertneky would you be willing to begin working on a Python script to ingest the METAR file? I confirmed Dan's suspicion that the file will need Python Embedding for MET to accept it:

DEBUG 1: Reading point observation file: /d1/projects/METplus/METplus_Data/development/nrl/cloud/metar/Surface_METAR_20240307_0000.nc
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'netCDF::exceptions::NcBadId'
  what():  NetCDF: Not a valid ID

Any of the variable fields could work for testing (and the script should be able to accept anything the user requests), but a smart starting point might be low_cloud_area_fraction and low_cloud_base_altitude. Those have similar fields for middle and high clouds, and I know GFS will have fields that we can use to compare these.

A basic test-of-purpose can be done in Plot-Point-Obs; if you prefer, you can also start with this PointStat use case that calls GFS as the forecast (you'd have to remove the PB2NC call, though): https://metplus.readthedocs.io/en/develop/generated/model_applications/medium_range/PointStat_fcstGFS_obsGDAS_UpperAir_MultiField_PrepBufr.html

hertneky commented 2 weeks ago

@j-opatz I can start working on this. Thanks.

j-opatz commented 5 days ago

@hertneky are there any updates/progress on the script? Anything you need in terms of help in the use case creation? I know that once the script is finished, the configuration file setup will be very simple so it's OK if this part is taking more time.

hertneky commented 5 days ago

@j-opatz I have a script that is still in the works. I am testing with low cloud base from both files. Of course one is in 'm' and the other is 'Pa', so there's a conversion needed. Not sure if I should do that in the python script or use the convert(x) function available in MET. Anyways, I have the data read in, but may have questions as to the format to hand to point_stat.

j-opatz commented 4 days ago

Thanks for the update, @hertneky.

Given my impending leave, @DanielAdriaansen should be able to provide some guidance, or find someone to step in on my behalf for direction on this use case.

I'm a little concerned about the meters and Pascals comparison, though. They are measures of completely different things, and the relationship between the two is dependent on too many assumptions.

Until the NRL team at-large can provide further guidance on the m-Pa issue, try and focus on the [cloud_level]_area_fraction variables. GFS data has cloud cover variables and that would be a percentage to percentage comparison, no conversions necessary.

hertneky commented 4 days ago

@j-opatz Yeah, you're right that the height would really be an approximation from cloud base pressure. For say low cloud area fraction, my concern is the layers used for low/mid/high being different between the two, but the units are the same. Keep me posted on what NRL says about the differing units for cloud base.