dtcenter / METviewer

Tool that creates plots using MET verification statistics output and the R statistical package
Apache License 2.0
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Create a Contributor's/Maintainer's Guide #535

Open jprestop opened 6 months ago

jprestop commented 6 months ago

Describe the Task

Create a Contributor's or a Maintainer's Guide. Include information like how to load a database and instructions on restarting Tomcat when the METviewer application is unresponsive.

The NCAR production instance of METviewer hosted on the machine named "mohawk" is accessible here: https://dtcenter.ucar.edu/met/metviewer/metviewer1.jsp

The development instance of METviewer hosted on the machine named "dakota" is accessible here: http://dakota.rap.ucar.edu:8080/metviewer_dev/metviewer1.jsp

METviewer runs through tomcat. After "mohawk" or "dakota" are rebooted or when the METviewer application is unresponsive, tomcat needs to be restarted. This detail is included in the instructions for RAL-IT to do after rebooting these machines, but sometimes our team needs to do this task.

Here's how you restart Tomcat:

  1. Log on to the machine (i.e. mohawk or dakota) as the 'vxwww' user. ssh -Y vxwww@mohawk.rap.ucar.edu
  2. Find Tomcat in /opt/vxwww/tomcat: cd /opt/vxwww/tomcat
  3. Run the shutdown script: bin/shutdown.sh
  4. See if its still running: ps -ef | grep java | grep '/opt/vxwww/tomcat'
  5. If so, manually kill it (e.g. kill -9 PID, where PID is the process-id found above).
  6. Run 'ps -ef' command to confirm it's gone.
  7. Restart tomcat: bin/startup.sh

Time Estimate



Consider breaking the task down into sub-issues.

Relevant Deadlines


Funding Source


Define the Metadata



Milestone and Projects

Define Related Issue(s)

Consider the impact to the other METplus components.

Task Checklist

See the METplus Workflow for details.