dtcrout / spotitude

Yet another Spotify user analytics visualizer
MIT License
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nothing happens after running "python3 spotitude" #11

Open gomezda opened 5 years ago

gomezda commented 5 years ago

I've read the README.md but the instructions aren't very specific about the REDIRECT_URI in the spotitude.config file. When I run "python3 spotitude.py" nothing happens (or if something does happen I can't see it). Here's what I setup using MacOS Mojave Bash terminal:

1) I forked the repo and then cloned it

2) I 'cd' into the spotitude directory and then ran 'make dep'. The dependencies were installed.

3) Then I ran "make config" and saw a new file called spotitude.config was created.

4) I used VIM to open spotitude.config and adjusted the following variables:[DEFAULT] USERNAME=lakhof76 // username from spotify (not actually it tho) SCOPE=user-top-read // kept it as default REDIRECT_URI= // i want to this to run locally CLIENT_ID=83fhlhaig39909u02u0 // client ID from Spotify API (not actually it tho) CLIENT_SECRET=kljfaoi3028u09hfjljfoi3ho . // hidden key from Spotify API (not actually it

5) I made sure that the Redirect_URIs for my app in the Spotify dev dashboard settings matched the REDIRECT_URl in the spotitude.config: redirect sptofiy

6) I ran "python3 spotitude.py". Initially, when I ran this I got directed to a Spotify AUTH screen and then nothing happened. I figured I would be able to see it in my chrome browser at localhost:8080 but it says "site can't be reached"

dtcrout commented 5 years ago

@gomezda , it sounds like you need to start your web server. Before running python3 spotitude.py, run python3 -m http.server in another terminal. That should create a web server on some port (python's http server will print which port it's running on). From there update your port on your redirect uri in both the config and in the console.

Issue #3 was created to make the documentation on setting up the config better as I know a lot of people (including me) have issues setting it up. Feel free to contribute and/or add some of your insights in that issue.

If you have any questions let me know!