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Potential Source: Chalmerstenta.se #1

Open emilhem opened 4 years ago

emilhem commented 4 years ago

There is a website already dedicated for the purpose of collecting exams, it is called Chalmerstenta.se. Not sure whether the project creator (@toasterbag) is aware of this.

You could potentially scrape their website, but rather a cooperation should be discussed with the person behind Chalmerstenta.se.

guskal01 commented 3 years ago

I created the mirror chalmerstenta.tk a few weeks ago (thanks to the owner of chalmerstenta.se, who gave me the source and all exams). I will try to put the exams from the relevant courses in the right format and upload them to this repository.

emilhem commented 3 years ago

@guskal01 & @dtekcth/dtekse-maintainers, is there any plan on taking over the domain from the owner of chalmerstenta.se?

I think that this could be taken over and ownership handed over to DTEK.

guskal01 commented 3 years ago

I think he would be happy to give the domain to dtek or anyone else who's willing to run the site. There is no plan as far as I'm aware.

Jassob commented 3 years ago

I don't know what you've been discussing about chalmerstenta.se or not earlier, but worth keeping in mind is that chalmerstenta.se contains exams for multiple programs and curricula, so by taking over that domain people would expect us to maintain their exams as well. Of course, that should not be a problem or take up to much time, but worth thinking about.

toasterbag commented 3 years ago

I contacted the owner in April and he was very positive about letting dtek take over the domain. However I have been unable to contact him to get the domain transfer approved. While it is good for continuity to keep the domain I have been a bit too busy being sektordf to justify digging deeper into this.

It expires in two days so I'll try to renew it with the divisions loopia account but if someone else snatches it and does something good with it then I won't complain!

Kirens commented 3 years ago

For what it's worth the domain expired today. But it's another 70 days 'till we may register it. In the meantime the domain will be offline.

If it's something we'd like to keep live in that period we should try to get the holder to renew and transfer to decrease downtime, otherwise I'd suggest waiting it out.