dteviot / WebToEpub

A simple Chrome (and Firefox) Extension that converts Web Novels (and other web pages) into an EPUB.
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How to delete https://www.lightnovelworld.com/ markers? #475

Closed Ketboga closed 3 years ago

Ketboga commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have been using this extension and would like to thank you for your effort firstly.

My problem is the novels I have gotten from www.lightnovelworld.com have this website's markers almost 11-15 times per chapter, and they are as below;

The novel: Way of the Devil Taken from: www.lightnovelworld.com Original Source: Qidian English Publisher: Webnovel Tool: WebToEpub

Chapter 1 Markers: ''Visit lightnovelworld[./]com for the best novel reading experience'' it looks like this in the HTML view p class="ljsdon"> Visit lightnovelworld[./]com for the best novel reading experience

''Visit /lightno//velw/orld[.]com for the best novel reading experience'' p class="ljsdon">Visit /lightno//velw/orld[.]com for the best novel reading experience

''New novel chapters are published on l/ightn/o/velworld[.]c/om'' ''This content is taken from lightnovelworld[.]c/om'' ''The most up-to-date novels are published on //lightno/ve/lworld[.]com'' ''This content is taken from /ligh/tnovelworld[.]com'' ''This content is taken from lightnovelw/orld[.]com'' ''Visit light/nove/lworld[/.]com for the best novel reading experience'' ''Follow current novels on lightnove//lworld[.]c/om'' ''The source of this content is lightnovelworld[.]com'' ''Updated from lightnovelworld[.]com'' ''Advertisements'' ''The most up-to-date novels are published on lightnov/elw/orld[.]com''

Chapter 2 Markers: ''The most up-to-date novels are published on lig/htno/ve/lworld[.]com'' p class="ogloom">The most up-to-date novels are published on lig/htno/ve/lworld[.]com

''Follow current novels on lightn/ov/elworld[.]com'' p class="ogloom">Follow current novels on lightn/ov/elworld[.]com

''Visit lightn/ovelwor/ld/[.]com for the best novel reading experience'' ''The most up-to-date novels are published on lightnovelworld[.]com'' ''Updated from lig//htnovelworld[.]/com'' ''Updated from /lightn/o/velworld[.]com'' ''New novel chapters are published on lightnovelworld[.]c/om'' ''This content is taken from lightnovelworld[.]com'' ''The source of this content is li/ght/novel/w/orld[.]com'' ''For more, visit l/ightnovelworld[.]/c//om'' ''The most up-to-date novels are published on lightn/ov/el/world[.]c/om''

So, is it possible to make these markers disappear?

gamebeaker commented 3 years ago

there is a bug i try to fix it.

gamebeaker commented 3 years ago

@Ketboga Hi i was able to make this stuff disappear here is the download https://github.com/gamebeaker/WebToEpub/archive/ExperimentalTabMode.zip here is a tutorial how to install: https://github.com/dteviot/WebToEpub#how-to-install-from-source

gamebeaker commented 3 years ago

ok i just downloaded way of the devil looks like it doesn't filter all but is pretty good in the 772 chapter it now has only marker in chapter 49,253,260,317,336,449,507,611,636,671,701,754(12 chapter after a quick look maybe a few more) (it takes ages to download that is why i only saw it now)

dteviot commented 3 years ago

@Ketboga Test versions for Firefox and Chrome have been uploaded to https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B_X2WcsaI_eg9yA-5bHJb8VeTZGKExl8?usp=sharing. Follow the "How to install from Source" instructions at https://github.com/dteviot/WebToEpub#how-to-install-from-source and let me know how it goes.

Ketboga commented 3 years ago

I have downloaded a few novels from lightnovelworld via webtoepub and the test version works great all the markers disappeared thankfully.

Thank you again for your efforts in this @dteviot and@gamebeaker.

dteviot commented 3 years ago

@Ketboga Updated version ( has been submitted to Firefox and Chrome stores. Firefox version is available now. Chrome might be avaiable in 1 to 3 weeks. If you can't wait, Test versions for Firefox and Chrome have been uploaded to https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B_X2WcsaI_eg9yA-5bHJb8VeTZGKExl8?usp=sharing. Follow the "How to install from Source" instructions at https://github.com/dteviot/WebToEpub#how-to-install-from-source and let me know how it goes.