dtheriault / hydra

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Updating gain value doesn't reflect in cuSDR #13

Open dtheriault opened 9 years ago

dtheriault commented 9 years ago

Set gain value in conf file, which then performs an update_dongle() with new value, but never see any change in the cuSDR screen other than a glitch line that goes across waterfall.

Restarting cuSDR makes no change either. As if gain has no affect when using cuSDR which makes no sense.

Need to instrument the API calls to see what cuSDR is setting...

dtheriault commented 9 years ago

Waterfall stays at same intensity unless I toggle agc_mode 0/1. Changing gain seems to initially lower signals, but an AGC kicks in and levels come back up. AGC in the GUI is turned off.

I also tried setting gain levels to the ones which are set to in GQRX. We are using integer value's 1:n but GQRX is using enum values of specific gains (as reported in .conf file). Made no difference as seen in cuSDR.

Its as if setting gain does nothing when using cuSDR. Next I'll instrument the API to see what's up.