dthree / cash

Cross-platform Linux commands in ES6
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[Question] Usage «=» symbol in «alias» command #105

Open Kristinita opened 7 years ago

Kristinita commented 7 years ago

1. Summary

I can not use = symbol in alias command.

2. Expected behavior

SashaChernykh@DESKTOP-0G54NVG:~/Desktop/Chocolatey tools$ alias ls='ls --color=auto'
SashaChernykh@DESKTOP-0G54NVG:~/Desktop/Chocolatey tools$ alias -p
alias ls='ls --color=auto'

3. Actual behavior

SashaChernykh@DESKTOP-0G54NVG:~/Desktop/Chocolatey tools$ alias ls='ls --color=auto'
SashaChernykh@DESKTOP-0G54NVG:~/Desktop/Chocolatey tools$ alias -p
alias ls='ls --color'

Is it a bug?

4. Steps to reproduce

I install cash in my computer:

Click here to see full output.
```shell npm install cash -g -f npm WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing. C:\Users\SashaChernykh\AppData\Roaming\npm\$ -> C:\Users\SashaChernykh\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\cash\bin\cash.js C:\Users\SashaChernykh\AppData\Roaming\npm\cash -> C:\Users\SashaChernykh\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\cash\bin\cash.js C:\Users\SashaChernykh\AppData\Roaming\npm `-- cash@0.8.0 +-- array-shuffle@1.0.1 +-- chalk@1.1.3 | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1 | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5 | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0 | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0 | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1 | `-- supports-color@2.0.0 +-- filesize@3.3.0 +-- fkill@3.1.0 | +-- arrify@1.0.1 | +-- pify@2.3.0 | +-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1 | | `-- pinkie@2.0.4 | `-- taskkill@1.0.0 +-- fs-extra@0.23.1 | +-- graceful-fs@4.1.11 | +-- jsonfile@2.4.0 | +-- path-is-absolute@1.0.1 | `-- rimraf@2.5.4 | `-- glob@7.1.1 | `-- fs.realpath@1.0.0 +-- glob@6.0.4 | +-- inflight@1.0.6 | | `-- wrappy@1.0.2 | +-- inherits@2.0.3 | +-- minimatch@3.0.3 | | `-- brace-expansion@1.1.6 | | +-- balanced-match@0.4.2 | | `-- concat-map@0.0.1 | `-- once@1.4.0 +-- lodash@4.17.4 +-- minimist@1.2.0 +-- user-home@2.0.0 | `-- os-homedir@1.0.2 +-- username@1.0.1 | `-- meow@3.7.0 | +-- camelcase-keys@2.1.0 | | `-- camelcase@2.1.1 | +-- decamelize@1.2.0 | +-- loud-rejection@1.6.0 | | +-- currently-unhandled@0.4.1 | | | `-- array-find-index@1.0.2 | | `-- signal-exit@3.0.2 | +-- map-obj@1.0.1 | +-- normalize-package-data@2.3.5 | | +-- hosted-git-info@2.1.5 | | +-- is-builtin-module@1.0.0 | | | `-- builtin-modules@1.1.1 | | +-- semver@5.3.0 | | `-- validate-npm-package-license@3.0.1 | | +-- spdx-correct@1.0.2 | | | `-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.2 | | `-- spdx-expression-parse@1.0.4 | +-- object-assign@4.1.0 | +-- read-pkg-up@1.0.1 | | +-- find-up@1.1.2 | | | `-- path-exists@2.1.0 | | `-- read-pkg@1.1.0 | | +-- load-json-file@1.1.0 | | | +-- parse-json@2.2.0 | | | | `-- error-ex@1.3.0 | | | | `-- is-arrayish@0.2.1 | | | `-- strip-bom@2.0.0 | | | `-- is-utf8@0.2.1 | | `-- path-type@1.1.0 | +-- redent@1.0.0 | | +-- indent-string@2.1.0 | | | `-- repeating@2.0.1 | | | `-- is-finite@1.0.2 | | `-- strip-indent@1.0.1 | | `-- get-stdin@4.0.1 | `-- trim-newlines@1.0.0 +-- vorpal@1.11.4 | +-- babel-polyfill@6.20.0 | | +-- babel-runtime@6.20.0 | | +-- core-js@2.4.1 | | `-- regenerator-runtime@0.10.1 | +-- in-publish@2.0.0 | +-- inquirer@0.11.0 | | +-- ansi-escapes@1.4.0 | | +-- cli-cursor@1.0.2 | | | `-- restore-cursor@1.0.1 | | | +-- exit-hook@1.1.1 | | | `-- onetime@1.1.0 | | +-- cli-width@1.1.1 | | +-- figures@1.7.0 | | +-- lodash@3.10.1 | | +-- readline2@1.0.1 | | | +-- code-point-at@1.1.0 | | | +-- is-fullwidth-code-point@1.0.0 | | | | `-- number-is-nan@1.0.1 | | | `-- mute-stream@0.0.5 | | +-- run-async@0.1.0 | | +-- rx-lite@3.1.2 | | `-- through@2.3.8 | +-- log-update@1.0.2 | +-- node-localstorage@0.6.0 | `-- wrap-ansi@2.1.0 | `-- string-width@1.0.2 +-- vorpal-autocomplete-fs@0.0.3 +-- vorpal-grep@0.1.2 | `-- glob@5.0.15 `-- vorpal-less@0.0.13 `-- slice-ansi@0.0.3 ```

I input command `alias ls='ls --color=auto'` like in [**this article**](http://www.computerhope.com/unix/ualias.htm). I get actual behavior, not expected. ### 5. Question May we use `=` symbol in cash `alias` command? For example, for native Windows `doskey` command [**I need to use**](https://kwilson.io/blog/getting-your-macro-on-with-doskey/) `$*` symbols. ```shell doskey gl=git log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cblue%d %Creset%s%Cgreen [%cn, %ar]" $* ``` ### 6. Environment **Operating system and version:** Windows 32-bit 10.0.14393 **Node.js:** v7.3.0 **npm:** 3.10.9 Thanks.
nfischer commented 7 years ago

Is it a bug?

Looks like a bug to me.

This repo has been pretty inactive for a while, so I wouldn't expect this get fixed for a bit (probably won't be fixed until vorpal depends on bash-parser).

For what it's worth, cash's ls has --color=auto by default, so this specific example isn't such a huge problem. But I can see how this could be a bigger issue for other commands.