dthree / vorpal

Node's framework for interactive CLIs
MIT License
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[DRAFT] TypeScript Vorpal #328

Open Ore4444 opened 5 years ago

Ore4444 commented 5 years ago

As discussed in #272:

The focus of this PR will be on re-writing Vorpal in TypeScript without adding/changing any functionality.


Would also make sure the deps are up to date, and probably replace minimist with yargs.

milesj commented 5 years ago

The flow types here might be useful in typing some of the TS stuff: https://github.com/dthree/vorpal/pull/272/files#diff-3a699a0719518f967e9b2df3f5549e02

OzairP commented 5 years ago

Any movement on this? I don't mind helping out 😄

Ore4444 commented 5 years ago

@OzairP i added you as a collaborator to my fork. Feel free to add commits. I might have time soon to continue developing it. Meanwhile, I will for sure be able to review your code

slinkardbrandon commented 5 years ago

Do you need help getting this fork rolling? I'd be glad to hop on board with it as well. I've noticed the Vorpal Gitter is pretty active and we could probably get a few other folks from there who may be interested in a maintained version.

Ore4444 commented 5 years ago

@slinkardbrandon any help is welcome. I won't have time to write code soon, but I will be able to review commits and help with what I can. Added you as a collaborator

hongaar commented 5 years ago

@OzairP cross posting this from https://github.com/dthree/vorpal/issues/334#issuecomment-466495091:

Quick update: there's an effort over at https://github.com/vorpaljs-reforged to reforge vorpal by first porting it to TypeScript, update dependencies and maybe fix some bugs in the process.

There's also a Slack community for further discussion about this, feel free to join!

slinkardbrandon commented 5 years ago

Yep and so anyone reading this doesn’t think we’re splitting the effort unintentionally, we’ve pulled in Ore’s work into that org for now while we work. This gives us proper git control and allows us to review all changes before merging into the fork directly.

b4dnewz commented 5 years ago

is anybody still interested to do this.. I mean contribute to this project?

I've made (not published yet) a complete remake of vorpal (changing also the name) made in typescript, with less code, less buggy, less and up-to-date properties and more features such as project generator (as in oclif), etc...

It has been a long work, I re-wrote the whole code few times before deciding to keep this version, so I'm also kind of jealous and protective about my work.

If anyone is interested to actively help me send a DM on twitter and I can share you permissions for accessing the code.

It's not published yet because I want to avoid the waterfall effect of potential many people switching from vorpal to this new version without being fully tested.

Edit: Btw, vorpal was a great project but it's clearly dead, also the code is a mess, that's why I didn't bother to fork and make a PR.

Ore4444 commented 5 years ago

Please join our Slack community https://join.slack.com/t/vorpal-workspace/shared_invite/enQtNTU3NTU3MTAzNzEyLTE4ODg2YjA1OTg0ZDMyY2I4M2Q3MGZhYjVlZDk1ZDY5NWJiZWFmYjJmYzk1ODdmYmU5ZjAzNGEzNDk5NDFhNWY

huan commented 4 years ago

Hi! I'm a TypeScript fan and recently I'm falling in love with vorpal too.

This PR seems a good start of upgrading vorpal to be easy to maintain and use, would love to see it to be merged!

sweethuman commented 4 years ago

Hi! I'm a TypeScript fan and recently I'm falling in love with vorpal too.

This PR seems a good start of upgrading vorpal to be easy to maintain and use, would love to see it to be merged!

As this repo seems to no longer be maintained some folks started work on that right here: https://github.com/vorpaljs-reforged/vorpal

huan commented 4 years ago

@sweethuman Thank you very much for telling me that our community has a TypeScript-ed version of the Vorpal, it looks great!

However, I can not find the NPM module for the vorpaljs-reforged, so how can I install that module, do we need to install it from the GitHub?

Do we have any plan to publish it as a fork version on NPM or our plan is to merge it back to the official vorpal in the future?

sweethuman commented 4 years ago

It will be published in npm at one point, just use it from github

hongaar commented 4 years ago

@huan I'm one of the contributors to the vorpaljs-reforged project, but unfortunately, work on it has slowed down quite a bit in the last 6 months. The vorpal source code is also a bit hard to work with, which is the main reason I decided to create a new project using a similar API to vorpal, maybe you find it useful: https://github.com/hongaar/bandersnatch. Would love to hear what you think!

huan commented 4 years ago

@hongaar Your project looks great, a very nice typing system with a clearer code base!