I am trying to use gmodel to visualise a glm:
mymodel <-glm(formula=prob~city+z.age+married, data=census ,family = "binomial")
prob is probability of children
where city is 3 groups, 1, 2 or 3
z.age is z.scored age
married is yes/no
Currently gmodel gives an output of two panes, one for married = yes, the other married = no. With probability on y and city group on x.
I need to change a few things on this graph, but am not sure how.
the title of both graph panes, currently looks like 'married:FALSE and married:TRUE', is there a way to rename this?
The data points should not be joined, as the city variable is a factor
How to add confidence intervals? Each time I try, I get an error.
Currently my model script is trying to remove the lines that join the data by removing a layer:
I am trying to use gmodel to visualise a glm:
mymodel <-glm(formula=prob~city+z.age+married, data=census ,family = "binomial")
prob is probability of children where city is 3 groups, 1, 2 or 3 z.age is z.scored age married is yes/noCurrently gmodel gives an output of two panes, one for married = yes, the other married = no. With probability on y and city group on x.
I need to change a few things on this graph, but am not sure how.
Currently my model script is trying to remove the lines that join the data by removing a layer:
If I add confidence intervals:
I get a warning and error:
I would be very grateful for any help!
Thank you :)