Open vishalspatil opened 7 years ago
That's quite easy. For RHEL6 for example, create /etc/dtmrepo.repos.d/epel.repo:
[epel-6] name=epel-6 mirrorlist= failovermethod=priority enabled = 0 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6
Then add an entry in your /etc/dtmrepo.conf.d/rhel6.conf that looks something like this:
epel = epel-6
Then sync by running
dtmrepo -ugv -r epel -d rhel6
Hi There,
I want to sync epel repositories into dtmrepo from fedora community.
Any document to configure the same on dtmrepo server so that I can sync epel packages on it.
Thanks in advance.