dtmilano / AndroidViewClient

Android ViewServer and ADB client
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Find Password flag state in vc.dump() data #294

Closed Witcher1499 closed 2 years ago

Witcher1499 commented 3 years ago

How to get the password flag is true or false in vc.dump() data list

dtmilano commented 2 years ago

The views dumped would contain the attribute password so you can check its value, for example:

$ dump -a | grep password=true
      View[ class=android.widget.EditText index=6 text=••• resource-id=com.android.settings:id/password class=android.widget.EditText package=com.android.settings content-desc= checkable=false checked=false clickable=true enabled=true focusable=true focused=true scrollable=false long-clickable=true password=true selected=false bounds=((55, 814), (1036, 946)) uniqueId=id/no_id/12 ]   parent=android.widget.ScrollView