dtmilano / CulebraTester2-public

CulebraTester: Snaky Android Testing
Apache License 2.0
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Big delay #17

Open neervanbiqs opened 1 year ago

neervanbiqs commented 1 year ago

When I try start an activity of some app and immediately curl dumpWindowHierarchy the command is executed for about three seconds (intent started in about one second). All other cases with dump executed very fast. Why?

dtmilano commented 1 year ago

Does it happen only with one activity in particular?

Can you share a reproducible example?

neervanbiqs commented 1 year ago

curl http://localhost:9987/v2/uiDevice/dumpWindowHierarchy?format=xml --> 1-4 sec delay (especially on first command)

dtmilano commented 1 year ago

It greatly depends on the complexity of the Activity and how long it takes UiAutomator to reconstruct the hierarchy.

I've run this python example what would be easier to time

#! /usr/bin/env python3

import time
from com.dtmilano.android.viewclient import ViewClient

device, serialno = ViewClient.connectToDeviceOrExit()
helper = ViewClient(device, serialno, useuiautomatorhelper=True).uiAutomatorHelper

t = [time.time()]
pkg = 'com.google.android.calculator'
act = 'com.android.calculator2.Calculator'
helper.target_context.start_activity(pkg, act)
# helper.target_context.start_activity('com.android.chrome',
#                                      'com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main',
#                                      uri='https://google.com')

for n in range(4):


and I got


with Calculator but


with Chrome.

neervanbiqs commented 1 year ago

I found that the window has the inlined image banner that is sometimes drawn. When it is not drawn, the dump is very fast and vice versa

dtmilano commented 1 year ago

I would be helpful if you can replace pkg, act and uri in the previous script, run it and provide the timing output.

neervanbiqs commented 1 year ago

1.485s 3.645s 1.253s 2.794s

PS After inetnt was launched the apk first shows the launched activity and after that (in about 1-3 secs) it also draw the inlined banner. While this banner is not drawed the delay is persist. After the banner was drawn dump executed immediatly