dtolnay / inventory

Typed distributed plugin registration
Apache License 2.0
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module submit doesn't work when coming from macro #35

Closed mimoo closed 2 years ago

mimoo commented 2 years ago

Hey! I've been setting up the inventory stuff via a macro from another crate:

pub fn init_gen(_item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    use ::ocaml::inventory;

    pub struct OcamlFunc {
        pub module: &'static str,
        pub name: &'static str,
        pub args: Vec<&'static str>,

    impl OcamlFunc {
        pub fn new(module: &'static str, name: &'static str, args: Vec<&'static str>) -> Self {
            OcamlFunc { module, name, args }

    pub fn gen_ocaml_bindings() {
        // group by module

        // generate .ml code
        for flag in inventory::iter::<OcamlFunc> {
            println!("module {} = struct external {}: unit -> string = \"{}\" end", flag.module, flag.name, flag.name);

// this works
    inventory::submit! {
        OcamlFunc::new("init", "test init", vec!["t: int"])

    // this doesn't work v
    pub mod inside_mod {
        use super::*;
        inventory::submit! {
            OcamlFunc::new("init2", "test init inside mod", vec!["t: int"])



and it seems to work except when I try to submit from inside another module. Here's the code from the proc macro crate, but doing it from inside another module where I call


// this works
inventory::submit! {
    OcamlFunc::new("init3", "test init inside mod", vec!["t: int"])

pub mod a {
    use super::*;

// this doesn't work
    inventory::submit! {
        OcamlFunc::new("init4", "test init inside mod", vec!["t: int"])
mimoo commented 2 years ago

This is really troubling me. This is an expanded example that works:

use std::prelude::rust_2018::*;
extern crate std;
pub struct Flag {
    short: char,
    name: &'static str,
    /* ... */

impl Flag {
    pub fn new(short: char, name: &'static str) -> Self { Flag{short, name,} }

extern fn __init12616011980604515118() {
    inventory::submit({ Flag::new('v', "verbose") });
#[link_section = "__DATA,__mod_init_func"]
static __init12616011980604515118___rust_ctor___ctor: unsafe extern "C" fn() =
        unsafe extern "C" fn __init12616011980604515118___rust_ctor___ctor() {
mod a {
    use super::Flag;
    extern fn __init3632956075760860679() {
        inventory::submit({ Flag::new('l', "loose") });
    #[link_section = "__DATA,__mod_init_func"]
    static __init3632956075760860679___rust_ctor___ctor:
     unsafe extern "C" fn() =
            unsafe extern "C" fn __init3632956075760860679___rust_ctor___ctor() {
impl ::inventory::Collect for Flag {
    fn registry() -> &'static ::inventory::Registry<Self> {
        static REGISTRY: ::inventory::Registry<Flag> =
fn main() {
    for flag in inventory::iter::<Flag> {
            ::std::io::_print(match match (&flag.short, &flag.name) {
                                        (arg0, arg1) =>
                                    } {
                                  ref args => unsafe {
                                                                       ", --",

and this is my expanded example that doesn't work:

use std::prelude::rust_2018::*;
extern crate std;
use ::ocaml::inventory;
pub struct OcamlFunc {
    pub module: &'static str,
    pub name: &'static str,
    pub args: Vec<&'static str>,
impl OcamlFunc {
    pub fn new(module: &'static str, name: &'static str,
               args: Vec<&'static str>) -> Self {
        OcamlFunc{module, name, args,}
pub fn gen_ocaml_bindings() {
    for flag in inventory::iter::<OcamlFunc> {

        pub fn hello_world() -> &'static str {
            "hello, world!"

        pub fn second_one() -> &'static str {
            "hello, world!"

        pub fn third_one() {}

            ::std::io::_print(match match (&flag.module, &flag.name,
                                           &flag.name) {
                                        (arg0, arg1, arg2) =>
                                    } {
                                  ref args => unsafe {
                                      ::core::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(&["module ",
                                                                       " = struct external ",
                                                                       ": unit -> string = \"",
                                                                       "\" end\n"],
extern fn __init7240165574856463891() {
                          OcamlFunc::new("init", "test init",
                                         <[_]>::into_vec(box ["t: int"]))
#[link_section = "__DATA,__mod_init_func"]
static __init7240165574856463891___rust_ctor___ctor: unsafe extern "C" fn() =
        unsafe extern "C" fn __init7240165574856463891___rust_ctor___ctor() {
pub mod inside_mod {
    use super::*;
    extern fn __init16324153154278459067() {
                              OcamlFunc::new("init2", "test init inside mod",
                                             <[_]>::into_vec(box ["t: int"]))
    #[link_section = "__DATA,__mod_init_func"]
    static __init16324153154278459067___rust_ctor___ctor:
     unsafe extern "C" fn() =
            unsafe extern "C" fn __init16324153154278459067___rust_ctor___ctor() {
impl ::inventory::Collect for OcamlFunc {
    fn registry() -> &'static ::inventory::Registry<Self> {
        static REGISTRY: ::inventory::Registry<OcamlFunc> =
extern fn __init9752370030967368522() {
                          OcamlFunc::new("init3", "test init inside mod",
                                         <[_]>::into_vec(box ["t: int"]))
#[link_section = "__DATA,__mod_init_func"]
static __init9752370030967368522___rust_ctor___ctor: unsafe extern "C" fn() =
        unsafe extern "C" fn __init9752370030967368522___rust_ctor___ctor() {
pub mod a {
    use super::*;
    extern fn __init7342976490476293494() {
                              OcamlFunc::new("init4", "test init inside mod",
                                             <[_]>::into_vec(box ["t: int"]))
    #[link_section = "__DATA,__mod_init_func"]
    static __init7342976490476293494___rust_ctor___ctor:
     unsafe extern "C" fn() =
            unsafe extern "C" fn __init7342976490476293494___rust_ctor___ctor() {
dtolnay commented 2 years ago

seems to work except when I try to submit from inside another module

I believe this is a duplicate of #9.