dtr-org / unit-e

A digital currency for a new era of decentralized trust
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update help message for getblockheader and getblock #1027

Closed spiritlcx closed 5 years ago

spiritlcx commented 5 years ago

Thanks for contributing! Here are some hints how to create a great pull request:

castarco commented 5 years ago

Hi @spiritlcx :) , thank you for contributing this PR.

I would like to point some minor issues:


spiritlcx commented 5 years ago

Hi @spiritlcx :) , thank you for contributing this PR.

I would like to point some minor issues:

  • Please, write a description for the PR (feel free to replace the text that was there by default).
  • For some reasons (see https://github.com/dtr-org/unit-e/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md ), we consider a requirement to add the "Signed-off by: YourNameHere" text to the commit messages & PR descriptions. You can easily amend your commit message and do a git push --force to your branch to fix this.


Hi @castarco , thanks very much for the comments. I have reviewed the workflow and make some changes and made a new pull request https://github.com/dtr-org/unit-e/pull/1028 .
