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Serialize witness blocks in msg_block always #1029

Closed scravy closed 5 years ago

scravy commented 5 years ago

Fixes #1023

Signed-off-by: Julian Fleischer julian@thirdhash.com

scravy commented 5 years ago


@castarco ???

AM5800 commented 5 years ago

There is also msg_witness_blocktxn message. I believe it should share the fate of msg_witness_block

AM5800 commented 5 years ago

It seems to me that we should go deeper than this. All those def serialize(self, with_witness=False): def serialize_with_witness(self): should go away. But if the argument is 'we do not want to create more merge conflicts for 0.17 task force', do we really need to start this PR now, and not after the merge?

scravy commented 5 years ago

The changes are supposed to aid the work being done on the generate rpc call. I agree that we can and will do more here, but I don’t see it a reason for holding this back. It’s not broken, it’s not not working, it’s not setting a new ill-advised direction (quite the contrary it’s going in the right direction), so what do you say - let’s integrate it and have me follow up on further witness/non-witness clean ups in a follow up.

This PR does exactly what it advertises in the title.

scravy commented 5 years ago
