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Reduce Travis log spam #1065

Closed cmihai closed 5 years ago

cmihai commented 5 years ago

Previously, the Makefile scripts for each individual unit test were displayed for debugging purposes. This commit suppresses this output, which should make the Travis log smaller.

Note that, just after the unit tests, we also test unit-e-tx, which also prints its testcases. This output should not be suppressed, since the test takes a long time, and the Travis build can timeout if it doesn't see any output for a while.

castarco commented 5 years ago

@cmihai can you please post a small snippet with an example of the output will be suppressed?

cmihai commented 5 years ago

Sure. Before the change:

for test_suite in `cat test/base64_tests.cpp | grep -E "(BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE\\(|BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE\\()" | cut -d '(' -f 2 | cut -d ',' -f 1 | cut -d ')' -f 1`; do \
    echo ${test_suite}... \
    test/test_unite -l test_suite -t $test_suite > test/base64_tests.cpp"-"$test_suite".log" 2>&1 && (echo "Success: $test_suite from test/base64_tests.cpp") || ((echo "Failure: $test_suite from test/base64_tests.cpp"); cat test/base64_tests.cpp"-"$test_suite".log" && false) \
Success: base32_tests from test/base32_tests.cpp

After the change:

Success: base32_tests from test/base32_tests.cpp
scravy commented 5 years ago

Ah! I would like to add that this fixes actually a regression which was introduced in the 0.17 merge. Before the line would look like "After the change".