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Restore unit test keepalives in Travis #1075

Closed cmihai closed 5 years ago

cmihai commented 5 years ago

By default, Travis kills the build if more than 10 minutes pass without any output on screen. After the PR #1065 was merged, this regularly happens with our Windows build .

This commit restores the keepalive changes from #115 that were lost with the 0.17 merge.

Gnappuraz commented 5 years ago

NACK for me. There was a script called during the travis build that would output a . every minute. I think that is a better and long term solution. Did we maybe lose it during the 0.17 merge?

edit: I've found said script in 9c4fc7504beb3ff538e40b9a58638a938d9be873. The code's gone during the merge. We should reintroduce it.

cmihai commented 5 years ago

@Gnappuraz Do you mean this line, or some other script?

Gnappuraz commented 5 years ago

@cmihai exactly that yeah

cmihai commented 5 years ago

Yeah, it was lost in the merge. I restored it now.

Gnappuraz commented 5 years ago

In https://travis-ci.com/dtr-org/unit-e/jobs/199135471 I see

.travis/test_04_install.sh: line 16: 28889 Terminated              while sleep 9m; do
    echo "=====[ $SECONDS seconds still running ]=====";
Gnappuraz commented 5 years ago

utACK 6334a35

scravy commented 5 years ago

utACK 6334a35