dtretyakov / WindowsAzure

.NET library aimed at managing and querying entities from Windows Azure Storage. It can be used as LINQ to Azure Tables.
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TableSet.AddOrUpdate(IEnumerable) does not throw an exception on error #28

Closed uksus70 closed 7 years ago

uksus70 commented 11 years ago

If there is an error while adding some record, AddOrUpdate method just exists silently without reporting an error. Is it expected behaviour?

dtretyakov commented 10 years ago

Hi, thanks for posting. Could you describe steps to reproduce this issue? Was it reproduced in Parallel or Sequential ExecutionMode of the TableSet?

uksus70 commented 10 years ago

I don't specify ExecutionMode anywhere. I suppose some default mode is used then.

dtretyakov commented 10 years ago

It would be great if you could be able to write failing test and send a pull request with it. Current test set for AddOrUpdate method: https://github.com/dtretyakov/WindowsAzure/blob/master/test/WindowsAzure.Tests/Table/Context/AddOrUpdateEntitiesTests.cs

richiej84 commented 8 years ago

I've also encountered this issue recently and have found the cause of it. In my call to TableSet.Add(IEnumerable<TEntity> entities) (or any other batched operation) I'm not interested in the returned entities so I simply call it like so


Unfortunately, because Add returns an un-executed IEnumerable and that I'm not evaluating it myself then the underlying execution never actually occurs.

From a client code perspective the solution is to just evaluate the result of the call, e.g.

var results = Table.Add(toAdd).ToArray();

However, I can see many people falling into this trap as you often don't care about getting the entity back after an add. To solve this, the simple fix of evaluating the execution of the batches in TableRequestSequentialExecutor does the trick


return from batch in batches
    from result in _cloudTable.ExecuteBatch(batch)
    select _entityConverter.GetEntity((DynamicTableEntity)result.Result);


return from batch in batches
    from result in _cloudTable.ExecuteBatch(batch).ToArray()
    select _entityConverter.GetEntity((DynamicTableEntity)result.Result);

I'll submit a pull request for this fix soon.