dtretyakov / WindowsAzure

.NET library aimed at managing and querying entities from Windows Azure Storage. It can be used as LINQ to Azure Tables.
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Bad request with Linq Query #35

Closed Daxez closed 8 years ago

Daxez commented 10 years ago

Using the TableSet class with a predefined Entity I ran a Linq query, which resulted in a bad request. When I viewed the request/response in Fiddler I ran into strange behavior:

The Linq Query was:

(from item in _table
 where item.CreateDate > mindate && item.ProcessName == processName 
&& (item.CreateDay == currentPartition || item.CreateDay == nextPartition || item.CreateDay == prevPartition)
select item)

Where CreateDate is a DateTime? and mindate is a valid DateTime. CreateDay and current/prev/nextPartition are both strings as well as processName. _table is the TableSet in this case. The Entity is strongly typed and the columns are all available in storage.

The request sent by the application was (URL decoded):

$filter=CreateDate gt datetime'2014-04-29T12:12:49.5952511Z' and ProcessName eq 'xxxxxxxxxxx') and ((PartitionKey eq '2014042912' or PartitionKey eq '2014042913') or PartitionKey eq '2014042911'

Naturally this resulted in a bad request. While running the query manually with the closing bracket after [ProcessName eq 'xxxxxxxxxxx'] moved to the end of the query resulted in a 200.

Rewriting the query to

var existing = (from item in _table
              where (item.CreateDay == currentPartition || item.CreateDay == nextPartition || item.CreateDay == prevPartition)
             select item).ToList();

existing = existing.Where(f => f.CreateDate > mindate && f.ProcessName == processName).ToList();

did the job, but retrieves a bigger set from the server than needed.

dtretyakov commented 10 years ago

Thank you for posting, it'll be fixed in the next version.