dtretyakov / WindowsAzure

.NET library aimed at managing and querying entities from Windows Azure Storage. It can be used as LINQ to Azure Tables.
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Cannot Query on Timestamp #59

Open KapteinBabbalas opened 7 years ago

KapteinBabbalas commented 7 years ago

I have the following Entity:

public class IotHubMessageEntity 
        public string DeviceId { get; set; }
        public string RowKey { get; set; }
        public DateTime Time { get; set; }

When I query like this I get the expected result:

  var entities =iotHubMessageRepository.Where(z => z.DeviceId == deviceId);

But this returns an empty result:

 var entities = iotHubMessageRepository.Where(
                         z => z.DeviceId == deviceId
                         && z.Time >= start
                         && z.Time <=end

Any Ideas?