dtrott / maven-thrift-plugin

Maven Thrift Plugin that executes the thrift code generator (base on protocol buffers plugin)
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Problems with m2e + Eclipse 3.7 #9

Open ntolia opened 13 years ago

ntolia commented 13 years ago

I just upgraded my environment to Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) and the m2e plugin (using the 0.1.11 maven-thrift-plugin). m2e now complains about "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" for the maven-thrift-plugin.

More information on this problem can be found at http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E_plugin_execution_not_covered and, while one could always set the plugin to always execute, I think it might be better to "delegate". Any recommendations on what the preferred config should be? I am not completely familiar with how the thrift plugin/maven plugin ecosystem. Happy to experiment and report back on suggestions.

Enrico2 commented 11 years ago

I see no one gave you an answer, did you manage to figure this out somehow? Thanks!

flamholz commented 11 years ago

Any news on this? I am interested as well.

Enrico2 commented 11 years ago

I gave up. Switched to IntelliJ, after YEARS using Eclipse.

MisterTea commented 10 years ago

The problem is that eclipse wants an eclipse plugin to manage this maven plugin. Without someone to write that eclipse plugin, you will have this error.

one solution is to use eclipse as an editor but build from the command line.

rflbianco commented 10 years ago

I've faced the same problem and looking around I've found the solution. Even though it's not perfect, it's acceptable.

You'll need to add the following code to your 'pom.xml':


Adding this section to my 'pom.xml' the error was gone and I could execute the 'generate-sources' goal smoothly.

yx1989 commented 9 years ago

So sad, 4 years past, the problem still exists.

ksader-edmunds commented 9 years ago

Has this been reported to Apache? All maintenance has been taken by ASF.

MisterTea commented 9 years ago

the reason why the problem still exists is because most people interested/capable of fixing the problem have already ditched maven for gradle.

yx1989 commented 9 years ago

As MisterTea said, actually this problem is belong to m2e plugin on eclipse. I found a bug report in eclipse too, https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=413776。 Some one replay: "Connectors for various maven plugins aren't part of the m2e project. See http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E_Extension_Development".