Explanation on how we plan to implement the backend (not how we actually did it). We can have a few code examples, but they should be fairly generic, and only for explaining how something works.
[x] Explain Program.cs
[x] Explain Startup.cs (this is where all general setup for the project can be located)
[x] Explain how dependency injection works (very briefly)
[x] How does our error handling work? Explain the error handling middleware, how it try/catches all requests and translates the error to a JSON Message
A class diagram of the custom exceptions would probably be suitable
[x] Authorization
How does it work with the [Authorize] attribute? ([Authorize(Roles = "...")] and [AllowAnonymous] too)
Authentication flow
[x] Sequence diagram
[x] ER Diagram over User, UserRole, Role and UserDisclaimer tables
[x] Locations
Mention how it is used to scale across entire campus
[x] ER diagram over Location, Coordinates and Sections
Explanation on how we plan to implement the backend (not how we actually did it). We can have a few code examples, but they should be fairly generic, and only for explaining how something works.
attribute? ([Authorize(Roles = "...")]