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Create 2-page tkinter app #7

Open duafatimaa opened 1 year ago

duafatimaa commented 1 year ago

here are some general steps you can follow to create a 2-page tkinter app:

  1. Import tkinter: Import the tkinter module in your Python script.
  2. Create the main window: Create the main window of the application using the Tk() method. This will be the parent window for all other widgets.
  3. Create the first page: Create the first page of the application using the Frame() method. This will contain all the widgets and elements for the first page.
  4. Add widgets to the first page: Add widgets such as labels, buttons, and text boxes to the first page using the grid() or pack() method.
  5. Create a function to switch pages: Create a function that switches between the first page and the second page. This can be done using the grid_forget() method to remove the widgets from the first page and the grid() or pack() method to add the widgets to the second page.
  6. Create the second page: Create the second page of the application using the Frame() method. This will contain all the widgets and elements for the second page.
  7. Add widgets to the second page: Add widgets such as labels, buttons, and text boxes to the second page using the grid() or pack() method.
  8. Bind the function to a button: Bind the function that switches pages to a button on the first page using the command parameter.
  9. Run the application: Run the mainloop() method to display the application and interact with the widgets.
  10. Test and refine: Test the application and refine it as needed, adjusting the layout, functionality, and design to meet your needs.