duanyiqun / Auto-ReID-Fast

A pytorch implementation of using DARTS to search better structure for Re-ID
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Questions about triplet loss #7

Closed vimar-gu closed 1 year ago

vimar-gu commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am wondering why the inputs of triplet loss are the same as cross entropy loss?


    def __init__(self, lamb = 0.5):
        self.lamb = lamb
        self.cross_entropy = cross_entropy()
        self.triplet_loss = TripletLoss()

    def forward(self, inputs, labels):
        return self.lamb*self.cross_entropy(inputs, labels) + (1-self.lamb) * self.triplet_loss(inputs, labels)

The inputs of cross entropy loss should be logits, while the inputs of triplet loss should be features. How does the triplet loss work in your code? I cannot find the exact implementation.

duanyiqun commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the very late reply. I haven't looked at this repo for a long time. It seems this code version is not complete with the triplet loss. Since I was not the author of auto-re-id, I just tried to reproduce this paper similarly to you.

Yet, I remembered that when I tried the triplet loss on the server by changing the sampler. However, the difference is not that significant. And to split distributed triplet sampling is quite time-consuming from the other internal code base, so I didn't do this part.