dubeaud / bugnet

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Accessing SVN repository error #225

Open aznarepse opened 7 years ago

aznarepse commented 7 years ago

I got the integration between SVN and bugnet almost right but still cannot open the repository from bugnet. I receive always the following error: Application Error - /bugtracker/SvnBrowse/SubversionBrowser.aspx

I have set up the address of the repository in the project settings as: https://server:8443/svn/rep/project/trunk

The rest of the integration is working fine and I can see the revisions in the issue page but cannot then see the diff or the rep.

Is the above address allright or it is expecting the unc of the svn.exe too?

Do I have to set up the svn.exe address somewhere?

Many thanks in advance,


aznarepse commented 7 years ago

Furthermore, I am hiving this exception in the events of the IIS: Exception type: HttpException Exception message: Cannot find ContentPlaceHolder 'Content' in the master page '/bugtracker/Site.master', verify content control's ContentPlaceHolderID attribute in the content page.

for a request url: Request URL: http://server/bugtracker/SvnBrowse/SubversionBrowser.aspx?pid=6 Request path: /bugtracker/SvnBrowse/SubversionBrowser.aspx