dubistdu / I-tinerary

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Landing UI #7

Open dubistdu opened 6 years ago

dubistdu commented 6 years ago

cover-no_pin map_w_country_name

clickable region for each region categories image map

  1. Once fully loaded, logo moves the top left corner
  2. Map changes based on Itinerary (medical, kids, doomsday)
  3. Each Region clickable. On click, go to the list of countries in the selected region

airplanes flies across the page

dubistdu commented 5 years ago

Sea level rise by city https://seeing.climatecentral.org/?fbclid=IwAR1JwlSh597OpwCLTBdrCJDDhVL_LeLL3r0J3ym9CvZ5whXi6sKLs6KuKOs#4/45.44/12.32?show=lockinAnimated&level=8&unit=feet&pois=hide