dubocr / homebridge-tahoma

Homebridge plugin for TaHoma, Connexoon, Cozytouch, Energeasy Connect.
Apache License 2.0
131 stars 42 forks source link

Tahoma enable to loggin : Error: #58

Closed Jer3m closed 5 years ago

Jer3m commented 5 years ago

Bonjour Romain,

Je tourne sur un raspberry pi b3+ sous Raspbian lite.

Après avoir suivi le tutoriel, je démarre homebridge manuellement avec le plugin homebridge-Tahoma installé et configuré, la connection se fait, ça fonctionne, parfait.

capture d ecran 2019-01-06 a 12 55 45

Au passage merci beaucoup pour cette réalisation vraiment pratique et indispensable.

Je fais les manipulations qu'il faut pour obtenir le lancement de homebridge au démarrage du système avec systemd, je fais un sudo reboot, mais homebridge ne se lance pas. Voici le log que j'obtiens

capture d ecran 2019-01-06 a 13 27 13

J'essaye d'aller me logger sur le site de Tahoma et sur l'appli, impossible. Sur la page web j'ai le message "too many request, try later" Sur l'appli, problème de mot de passe ou de compte d'utilisateur (qui sont pourtant les bons)

Si j'enlève les informations Tahoma dans le config.json, alors homebridge démarre bien au boot.

Y aurait-il une solution pour résoudre ce problème? Si tu as besoins de testeurs ça serait avec plaisir.

Par avance merci.


reg10 commented 5 years ago

Hey there,

I have the Same problem. I have the Connexoon rts registerd but i saw iT wasn’t on the tahomalink.com So when i try to connect iT fails. Because im not on the tahomalink.com I’m on the somfy.nl

Is the Any way to fix this because the service is different the de Normal connexoon IO. Of is there a way to connect to tahomalink.com with the connexoon rts?

Thanks for helping

Jer3m commented 5 years ago

Hello reg10,

We have tried to solve this issue into this thread. Comment n°21, Romain sent me a new overkiz-api file that solved my issue.

reg10 commented 5 years ago

Hi Jer3m,

This didn't work for me.

I think that my problem is more regarding the different device I use. by Somfy you have the Tahoma for IO and RTS, the Connexoon IO and the Connexoon RTS. I don't know for sure but when I activated the Connexoon RTS it signed me up at https://www.somfy.nl/mijn-gegevens/mijn-huisautomatisering-box?abo_id=

When I change the service in the config.json to Connexoon it still want to sign me up at tahomalink.com. problem is that I don't have a account there because the Connexoon RTS doesn't go there.

this is the message I receive. regarding changing the config. and adding a server called Connexoon RTS and directed it to Somfy.nl/inloggen. I went back after imputes form Jer3m and tried it again.

schermafbeelding 2019-01-13 om 14 06 17

maybe @dubocr can help.

dubocr commented 5 years ago

Hi reg10,

Can you try to log there with your Somfy credentials : https://home.duboc.pro/tools/setup ?


dubocr commented 5 years ago

Sem you succeed yesterday. So TaHoma server is good. Can you both give me your node JS version node -v

Jer3m commented 5 years ago

Salut Romain,

I am running the v10.15.0 node version.

I've succeed but with the first attempt. I've reinstalled the plugin and I've changed the overkill-api.js, HeatingSystem.js, Humidity.js and Light.js. The second solution didn't work for me: Voici les fichiers. Fan.js et Light.js dans accessories et index.js à la racine. Fan.zip Light.zip index.zip

Ensuite il faudra ajouter la configuration suivante : "forceType" : { "Ventilateur" : "Fan" }

En espérant que ça fonctionne du 1er coup.

dubocr commented 5 years ago

Salut Jerem,

Es-tu toujours avec la configuration refreshPeriod à 1800 ou 3600 ?

Jer3m commented 5 years ago

Je ne pense pas puisque je suis reparti sur un plugin de “base”, je n’ai pas touché au fichier config de homebridge.

Jérémie Le 14 janv. 2019 à 10:50 +0100, Romain DUBOC notifications@github.com, a écrit :

Salut Jerem, Es-tu toujours avec la configuration refreshPeriod à 1800 ou 3600 ? — You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

reg10 commented 5 years ago


I can login and see all the devices, scenes and history.

schermafbeelding 2019-01-14 om 11 59 54 schermafbeelding 2019-01-14 om 11 59 05

so that works

dubocr commented 5 years ago

Mettre à jour le plugin et passer le paramètre "refreshPeriod" à 3600.

reg10 commented 5 years ago


Still my problem with the login is not solved

dubocr commented 5 years ago

Hi reg10,

Stop homebridge for 1h and any other third party client using TaHoma, update homebridge-tahoma plugin then restart homebridge.

reg10 commented 5 years ago

I Will try iT tonight but i stil can’t login right now at The tahomalink.com

Jer3m commented 5 years ago

Hi reg10

You should stop reaching tahomalink, somfy app and your somfy account for a while. When you try to reach one of them, you keep stocking server.

reg10 commented 5 years ago

Alright. I Will try iT. Any idea for how long? No connection

dubocr commented 5 years ago

Yes, you fail login now because you homebridge installation "overload" your account (it tries to connect continuously and the server "locks" your account temporarely). You have to connect less than once per 10 minutes. But when your account is "locked" (Too many request) you may have to wait more than 10 minutes to unlock it. I think 1 hour is the max.

Jer3m commented 5 years ago

First time i get this issue it took a while. To be sure, wait until tonight, 3-4 hours at least.

reg10 commented 5 years ago

Alright my homebridge is switch off, also apps and accounts are closed only my Connexoon RTS is still active.

Do I need tot disconnect this one aswell?

dubocr commented 5 years ago

No, keep your bridge up

reg10 commented 5 years ago


for the complete resume. I log out all the apps and website interfaces. I leave the homebridge with new update Tahoma plugin running. and I leave the Connexoon RTS running.

after a while couple of hours I restart the homebridge with new config (including the login and password) or do I just need to reload the config somehow? so that the bridge keeps running and only the new config loads.

Please confirm

dubocr commented 5 years ago

You stop completely homebridge You updade config.json file to add  "refreshPeriod" : 3600 You wait couple of hours You start homebridge

For me bridge = Connexoon and it could keeps running.

reg10 commented 5 years ago

afteer houres testing still the following

[1/17/2019, 7:48:07 PM] [Connexoon RTS] Unable to login: Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN tahomalink.com tahomalink.com:443
[1/17/2019, 7:48:07 PM] [Connexoon RTS] { Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN tahomalink.com tahomalink.com:443
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:57:26)
errno: 'EAI_AGAIN',
code: 'EAI_AGAIN',
syscall: 'getaddrinfo',
hostname: 'tahomalink.com',
host: 'tahomalink.com',
port: 443 }

any thoughts?

dubocr commented 5 years ago

Can you change the service to Cozytouch in config file : "service": "Cozytouch" Then restart homebridge And send me error logs.


reg10 commented 5 years ago


I changed the setting and this was the following result.

schermafbeelding 2019-01-18 om 12 12 06 schermafbeelding 2019-01-18 om 12 11 49

on the end it shutdown the homebridge server

config as following

{ "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge-test03", "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:53", "port": 40814, "pin": "031-45-053" }, "description": "This is for Apple Homekit.", "accessories": [], "platforms": [ { "platform": "Tahoma", "name": "Connexoon RTS", "user": "my e-mail adress", "password": "my paswoord for login at Somfy.nl/inlogggen", "service": "Cozytouch", "refreshPeriod": 3600 } ] }

dubocr commented 5 years ago

Hi Reg10,

I published a new plugin version, can you try to update. This version will retry 3 times when DNS resolution fails. I hope it will help to fix your network issue at startup. You can rollback you parameters with Conexoon service.

reg10 commented 5 years ago

Marvelous I works like a charm, i will know check how it works and check if I can change some settings regarding the state off open/ closed/my position normally 100% is down but can I change it to say 90% is the max down for me? any guide lines?

anyhow much thanks for helping so far. merci bien

fafoulon commented 5 years ago


just to add my 2 cents, you should maybe make it by default to 3600 secondes when there is no parameter in the config file. Because I updated recently the plugin, and had some login failed errors. I had to search here to find the reason (too fast refresh).

Keep up the good work 😀

bowana commented 5 years ago

Hi, I appear to be having a similar issue. I have a Connexoon RTS that is registered in Australia at Somfy.com.au. I get the error message below

[2/2/2019, 2:10:02 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-tahoma homebridge-tahoma API version: 2.3 [2/2/2019, 2:10:02 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-tahoma.Tahoma' [2/2/2019, 2:10:02 PM] --- [2/2/2019, 2:10:02 PM] Loading 1 platforms... [2/2/2019, 2:10:02 PM] [Connexoon RTS] Initializing Tahoma platform... [2/2/2019, 2:10:02 PM] Loading 0 accessories... [2/2/2019, 2:10:04 PM] [Connexoon RTS] Login fail: Bad credentials [2/2/2019, 2:10:04 PM] [Connexoon RTS] Login fail: Bad credentials [2/2/2019, 2:10:04 PM] [Connexoon RTS] Bad credentials [2/2/2019, 2:10:05 PM] [Connexoon RTS] Login fail: Bad credentials Setup Payload:

Any ideas?

Many thanks! Tim

dubocr commented 5 years ago

Hi Tim,

Can you log there : https://home.duboc.pro/tools/setup And tel me if succeed.
