Closed masters3d closed 6 years ago
I just found the answer:
REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop" /v ShowLeadGenDialog /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Yep, currently the script requires first-time manual configuration i.e. sign in, uncheck startup screen. So it is not good for an automatically built environment from scratch right now as you have. @masters3d I am wondering if it works correctly for you after you had set the registry to disable sign-in form. You still need to sign in somehow to be able to publish it, don't you?
Thanks Michal
It works. I disabled the publishing feature of the script as I am using another script to do the uploading.
I want to run this script off a VM. Power Bi desktop shows a first time screen that can not be dismissed unless you provide it some information. Since the VM gets destroyed after this run, I am not able to save the state. Any ideas on how to bypass this screen? Currently the script just times out. Thanks